Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Syukur Alhamdulillah when I received the news that Tok dah passed away, I was with kakyong and family in Paris. At least I was not alone.... Terkejut jugak... tp redha je... Seriously contemplating utk balik, coz dah dekat dah ngan Charles De Gaulle Airport, and insurance cover for the expense. Tp papa n mama kata no need, coz mmg Ziad takkan sempat... Tambahan pulak there were chaos in airports becoz of the heavy snow

Tak sangka time Ziad balik jumpa tok time kenduri Nawal adalah kali terakhir Ziad jumpa tok. Glad to have your last kisses with traces of bedak sejuk on my cheeks and i purposely wouldnt wipe it off haha. I thank her for the prayers to me for my success. Tok had faith in me even though I had doubts in my self,

"Takpa Ziad.... Tok Yakin, Tok dah doa dah...Ziad akan pass..... Baca book elok2"

Her shoulders were the most comfortable shoulders to put your head on. She was a woman of wisdom... After all that she had been through, she's tough and a true survivor.

No regrets... Time balik Malaysia, Ziad bagi isi nyioq kat dia... Tau dia suka... Pastu bawak balik chocolates and cheese from Holland.... Bagi dia makan cherries and peaches... Kehulu-kehilir cari ubat n cream utk dia.... I guess Mama, papa n Nawal pon no regrets... MAma telah lah... Lap dia, basuh rambut dia etc. Papa was more than a son than a son in law. Nawal can be in her best dress and still jump in and bagi mandi dia. Special thanks to Loan(Nawal's husband) for taking my place utk uruskan Tok. We treated her like a Queen.....

Now its my turn to Doa for her. For her safe journey to the realm of barzakh and beyond.

Moga Allah ampunkan segala dosa tok, eliminate Azab kubur, terangkan dan luaskan kubur dia.

"Ziad saaaaayang kat Tok"

Readers, please sedekahkan Yasin.... anything lah Al-Ikhlas keee Al-Fatihah kee...anything....