Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Here I am in my office craving for ideas.
Its nearly ten and i'm still stuck
Snow cheers me up
Where the heck is the literature for rationality and secularization
Cant wait for Fridays swimming
A pleasure for the EYES, body and soul
I guess I can forget about conferences in the middle east now
Stumble upon a blog that I hate
Why suddenly full of hatred?
Some people are just gifted in writing
or is it just a matter of practice

If you are the only Malay in the University and there are no other Malays around you, you'll start to appreciate the Malay culture. Its not that I'm homesick, heck I call my mom almost every day. Its just that sometimes I miss my culture. Thanks to you tube, I can listen to Malay songs... I mean, traditional Malay songs . Back to my apartment, I'm still with my kain pelikat and sometimes I eat while bersila. ... Not mentioning the Gulai rebung, nasi lemak and sambal that I cooked

Sometimes I miss Azan... not Azan pak pak Arab nie. Azan Malaysia. Kalau dapat dengar Azan pakcik HArun dekat Masjid Tg Bendahara kan best. Nanti balik Malaysia nak kena record Azan Pak Harun.

One more thing, gadis belanda bukanya tak cantik.... cantik. Tapi kalau dah hari-hari dah menghadap muka belanda, terasa muak pun ada. Sekali-sekala pergi ke kedutaan Malaysia tengok gadis Melayu alahaaaaiiii..... dengan sopan santunnya....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm sure that most guys have been through this. My experience of circumcision was not very pleasing (who does?) but mine, the anesthesia wore of at the last minute and the doctor didn't have the decency to reload the juice. As painful as the procedure was, it was very profitable. I managed to rake a few hundred ringgit , enough to by Nintendo Game Boy.

Well, the reason that I mention my experience was just as a Muqaddimah for this video I stumbled upon. I love strange food, so I googled strange food in you tube. Well see it for yourselves

Yes... I think it sucks being a grandpa in this community as you have to eat those "bizzare" food. I dont think those bananas gave much help. Its like borderline canibalism....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You are old when....

1) Facebook, myspace and other social networking sites are lame (Does blogging count?)

2) When friends you age are married and have kids

3) When your lil sisters n brothers get married

4) When your nieces and nephews get married(extreme case)(disc. does not apply to all families)

5) When you watch what you eat

6)When some kid holds your hand by mistake thinking that you're his dad

7)When some kid claims that you are his dad

8)When you stop goin clubbin

9)When students calls you sir

10) When you go to renew your passport, people at the embassy thinks that you want to register a childbirth

11) When you drink coffee with professors

12)When having a playstation 1/2/3 is no longer your life ambition

13) When you read this stuff

14)When you say to your self... Shit! thats me

15) Then feeling alone, ashamed, lost, confused......

What tha hell am I'm thinking..... Age is relative...... Life expectancy in poor countries can go below 40.... While in advanced countries can go up to 80.....

Enjoy life (with limitations of course) be thankful of what you have

Invest in life and afterlife


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

De Profeet Muhammad (vrede zij met hem)

Sedangkan hari jadi sedara mara, kawan2 dan Bos kita, kita bole sambut....I think it is worth mentioning Maulidurrasul.... Moga2 kita dapat Syafaat Baginda kelak...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Raya Cina

Pasport aku hampir tamat, so dengan lenggang kangkongnya aku pegi laaa Den haag berbekalkan pasport lama. Ingatkan mcm dekat Malaysia laaa bawak pasport lama, cakap nak reniew and Presto! Tp taak... First, aku nak kene buat appointment dgn embassy, pastu nak kene bring along gambar with blue backround, surat beranak, IC dan resident permit. The best part was I did NOT do any of those things :).... Mujurlah staff embassy sangat helpful and friendly. Siap drive aku gi pekan utuk tangkap gambor and cucuk duit. Punya laaa malu alah aku nieee... Tp terpaksalah tebal muka. I owe alot to them!!!

Kebetulan besok tu embassy akan sambut raya cina, so aku pon tolong laaa sikit2 malu alah aa kaaaan. BTW lama gilerrrrr tak lepak ngan Malaysian. Sempat jumpa uncle James, Nda Chik, Nabil, Falinda and His Sis. Faisal pon veeery the friendly(lama tak slang Melayu)..... Siap ajak aku datang umah...memula aku refuse, pastu dia pancing dengan Nasik lemak... so, kalah laa akuuu... Gi makan dekat rumah depa punyalaaa sedap!!!

Pas lepak ngan MAlaysian, lepak dengan pure dutch pulak..... Nie experience yang agak pelik... Seems that they dont have any borders. Tua, muda, Kaya Miskin semua satu kepala. If you've seen gangsta movies in new york, these people are the dutch version of them, memang ghetto abis. Dalam kumpulan tu pulak very diverse, from Politicians, Gangster and Police. The best part was they can speak Indonesian walaupun orang belanda rambut blond semua. Best borak dengan depa.... Memula aku sampai kat umah depa, this dutch guy approached me and said "Buat macam Rumah Sendiri" Wow! bisa omong! I think this kind of experience is super priceless!

Basically, successful people in their own field, generally are modest and friendly. For example time dekat sweden, makan dengan Nobel Laurette semua, they are very friendly and they see me or us students as their apprentice because they've been in our position.On the other hand these diverse group of Politicians, gangsters and police also I consider them as successful in their own field. Mind you, jangan salah anggap dengan gangster nie... not a typical gangster... these people work together with police and politicians to solve crime and they are also entrepreneurs. Bukak restaurants and macam2 kedai lagi lah. Dalam istilah akedemiknya, social capital. Something non profit that binds people together.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Talam Kiasan

Wilayah yang diduduki si Totok sudah cuak bila penghuni-penghuni anai-anai mula memberontak. Abang si totok sudah pun memberi pengumuman bahawa ratu anai-anai haruslah dipilih oleh anai-anai sendiri. Nampaknya abang si totok memang talam dua muka. Anai-anai hanyalah boleh pilih ratu yang hanya mengangguk kepada keluarga totok . Apa salahnya jika ratu anai-anai yang dipilih tidak bersetuju dengan keluarga totok?? bukan kah itu pilihan anai-anai?? ..... Kenapa penghuni si totok sangat paranoid dengan ratu-ratu anai-anai yang baru??? Bukankah keluarga totok sangat kuat? dengan bisanya, tebuan bersayapnya dan cengkerang yang kuat??

Sekurang-kurangnya si totok tak boleh nak buat tak ketahuan hala dekat adik anai-anai yang berada dibawah cengkaman Si totok. Kalau nak harapkan ratu anai-anai yang ada sekarang nie, memanglah tak guna satu sen pon. Semua yang si totok buat pakat dok angguk ajaa si ratu-ratu anai-anai yang dah tak laku dan tak sedar diri. Elok lah kasi gerun sikit si totok nie.

Moga2 penggantian ratu anai2 yang lama kepada yang baru berjalan lancar dan membawa perubahan positif kepada bumi Anbiya

Upadate... tgk euronews, Malaysia kena titik dengan Kyrgyzstan 32-2 dalam acara ice hoki Asian winter olympics . Tersemboq aku!