Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Report duty hehehe....

Yessssss , USM called. I'm supposed to report duty wahkahkah...Walaupun gaji ciput, I still looove it. i alwiz wanted to teach. It is my passion. hope students like me. Goooshh its sooo humid here in Malaysia. I went jogging last few days, it was takin a toll on me. Anywayyyzzzz...

Here's my input wahkah kah ...Input la sangat...

I'm still maticulusly checkin out what Bonfim2009 is talkin abt.

What they did was grouping the models for credit risk from Crouchy et al 2000, Gordy 2000,, Saunders and Allen 2002 and duffy and singgleton 2003. By the way, I hav to find out what these guy's have been yakin about, just to have a rough idea about how bonfim2009 yakin about the 3 modellin criterias.

1) Models that use Acc variables
2)Models that use market info
3)Models that use macroeconomic variables.