Saturday, March 6, 2010

Geen Weekend voor mij...

Sepatutnya spring tp snow mencurah-curah.... I LOVE IT!..... Dok antaq laa progress kat prof, dok heran laa pasai apa dia lambat balas.... Rupa-rupanya dia suda gi US utk conference naseb baik US.... Time gempa bumi tu aku dok rasa cuak jugak, isyyy takut prof gi Chille pulak jadi apa2 kat dia, MASAK aku!

Cheee at this moment Ive accomplished 2 stuff!!!

1) Mintak prof fill in progress report....Cheee dia fill in "laa laa tu" immediately.. juga.. Sepatutnya mende tu confidential tp prof open jaaa... Ok laaa Average banyak... Semua very good tipu aaaaaaa....

2) Mintak cuti mid June for Nawal's wedding... Dia approve!! Alhamdulillah...Happy siot!!!

Rgarding my progress...

Prof duduk depan aku n said "You have progressed!" Pastu dia mcm Berkerut n fikir balik...Pastu aku mencelah "I need to progress faster am I?" pastu dia kata "yes! yes!"

He gave me a paper by Dutta and ask me to follow within his lines!

About dutta's paper, I notice that there is specific section for literature review...n I ask him why???

He said

"its a matter of style, literature review doesn;t have to be a specific section it can be anywhere".

I still have this undergrad mentality that loterature review must be in one exclusive section.

"The literature review that you wrote is a combination of Introduction and the Conceptual model"

That means i have to restructure my literature review and saperate it into Intro and conceptual model

I've traced back related literatures dated back in the 17oo regarding religion and economics which starts from "The wealth of Nations" by Alex Weber until Azzi and Ahrenberg 1975 which is the foundation of my conceptual model.

Azzi and ahrenberg said: Religiosity can be measured by various indicators namely church attendence and religious contribution. The main point which many literatures point out is "RELIGIOUS CONTRIBUTION IS A SUBTITUTE FOR CHURCH ATTENDANCE" as a measure of religiosity. Based on this, I will use Zakat payment as a measure of religiosity. Insyaallah by next week Ziad nak data! from Jabatan perangkaan.

The other thing that Prof point out is the motives of Church attendance/religious contribution. I did mention the 3 motives in Azzi and Ahrenberg

1)salvation motive-> Church attendance for the purpose of afterlife consumption. Maksudnya buat kerana Allah aaaa ikhlassss

2) Social Motive-> Church attendane for social preasure= Mcm lalang aaa,... 4-5 orang pi Mesjid/sedekah, yang lain pon ikut

3)Consumption Motive-> Nie pi mesjid/Sedekah utk dapat business contact....

All these 3 motives professor wants me to model it in such a way, there is sort of an equilibrium between Earthly motives and the salvation motive.... Hampeh! aku tak terpikiaq pon mcm tu... Thats why he's the professor and I'm the Idiot

And then AGAIN he wants me to structure my points and use bullets for my dependent and independent variables. Dia siap tulis lagi kat draft aku sebijik - sebijik....

Oh yeah tensen2 aku dok dengaq lagu nie.....

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