Monday, October 18, 2010

Lumrah Phd

Best giler baca blog bro aku sorang nie. He has entered another phase in his life. I remember we used to study together and teasing each other. Tup tup dia dah ada anak. Super cute plak tu. I'm still stuck in this phase in my life where there are exams where I am graded.

I've studied in Malaysia and I've studied in Australia. Both countries have about the same system. Malaysia style as far as my observation laa----> You have a whole semester to do a course. Lecturers give comprehensive notes , explain satu2. As long as you practice over and over ok aaaa. Pastyears khatam ok bole aaa B+ at least takpon A-. Soalan nak pusing mcm mana lagi??. To a certain extent selak jee tengok figures terus boleh jawab.... Siap create shortcut lagi.....

In Australia, lebih kurang.... The lecturers really explain.... Except Visual basics... tak tau kepala ujung pangkal.... Seb baik pass. BAsically it is good to read before class... Tp takde laaaa detail sangat baca seblom class tu. Tp pastyears tadak.... sooo pandai2 aaa practice banyak2.

Holland?? System laeeeeeen dowh!!! You need deeeeep understanding! Practice is certainly not enough! Khatam aaaa berkali2 pon practice / pastyears. Soalan yang keluar mmg pusing! Dalam course description pon dah cakap, "Do not expect the instructor to explain everything! Study in detail before hand" PAstu sini tak main aaaa semester... Sini main Block... 1 sem = 2 blocks every blocks ada exam. Every week ada test! And depa akan announce sapa fail test.

I've been through Malaysian and australian system. Going through dutch system has its huge hurdles.... Sini very theoretical, maknanya maths kene strong... algebra kene petik jari jeee.... Aku masih lagi terkial-kial dowh.

Apa2 pung I'll try my best.... At this moment baru abis test ! Question last tu aral siket... aduuuuh

Thesis pulak.... Prof tak setuju ngan proposal pulak dah.... Dia kata, kalau nak buat ikut proposal aku nie, nak kene extend banyak tahun. So I have to come up with another one.

Life's getting tougher


  1. life's always getting tougher bro.. usahlah dipinta dikecilkan ujian, tetapi pintalah agar “dibesarkan” iman bagi menghadapinya.. :)

  2. Thanks bro..... You know sometimes aku nie tak bersyukur.... On certain day I wake up and the first thing that come to my mind is "Goshh I'm waking up with a shit load of problems" Nak kene istighfar banyak2 nieh...
