Friday, September 2, 2011

Raya Trip

I'm now writing my insignificant nuisance on the train while listening to Radio Era!!!! Ya'll must be wonderin. Train? ERA?.... Yess I think around this year kot, Netherlands dah ada internet dalam most of its intercity train ... lagi sempoi dari Germany kott!!? Rasa macam naik Bus nak balik Aloq setaq laa pulak. Tambah pulak today, cuaca panas dan lembab. The thing is, youtube kureng sket.... lebih kurang macam Dialup. But Its good enough for me.

Anyway, I found a nice cozy seat in de train. Its in the silent area, not apposite some loud Dutchies and its a direct train.... No transit sana, transit sini

Rewind a couple of hours ago, I saw some Malaysians while I was walking around in rotterdam . It turned out to be UiTM students..... Merbok plak tu.... wah wah wah... Budak2 merbok nie terer2 laaa....Ex-DBS plak tuuuu... Selaluuuu ja gi Overseas (poyo).

Rewind lagi a couple of hours...I was doing my jalan-jalan cari makan. So far today tak sempat cover the whole Randstadt(Area The hague, Rotterdam, Utrech and Amsterdam). I went to Rotterdam carneiselanden to makan Groote Soto Ajam Surinamse... siap bungkus sekali. N then, i went to Den haag Holland spoor to buy its cake and pastries. Pastu gi plak kat Den haag Centrum for its Lams Schotel. Well I think during this syawal, I'll be gaining 5 kilo easy. Tapi takpa lah coz I lost 10 kilo for ramadhan. Yes... 10 kilo wooo main tak lost 10 kilo.... Bulan2 posa dok main badminton macam orang tak posa.....

Dua jam sebelumya, semayang Jumaat dekat Rotterdam... Worth going...ingatkan nak take advantage of being musaffir but , bulan yang mulia punya pasal . The Azan was Fantastic and Suara Imam sedaap sangat. Funny thing happen after Jumuah prayers. There was a half naked guy ran into the Mosque... Depa kata the guy was carrying a knife... but I don think so coz I saw him entering the Mosque..... Nasib baik dia tak violate aku...

Friday nite I beraya umah Uncle James and Aunty Jolanda. I just need to visit them, coz they are family. Uncle James cam besa, besaq hati laa bila adik beradik mai tak putuih-putuih.

The 3rd, 2nd and 1st raya Beraya kat umah Kak Yooong! The best part was My parents and I all of us beraya kat umah kak yong.. Well at least the same tuan rumah. My parents beraya kat umah kak yong in Putra Heights while family kak yong and I beraya kat umah kak yong in Hannover. Beeest ... Ada rendang, daging merah(turun temurun from santa claus"Opah"), ketupat, lemang, tempoyak ikan patin you name it... semua ada! Isy laaa kalau takda kak yong... tensen jugak raya... My close Malaysian Friends "Balik Deraih"

1st raya aaa best! Family kak yong and I webcam ngan family in Malaysia and Bangi. Tolak pi, campoq mai, lebih kurang macam raya kat Malaysia aa

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