Monday, November 15, 2010

Exam--Test of faith

Sorry lambat reply...Giler busy.... Assignment, study utk exam n research... Pergh juggling stuff. Memula exam, pastu assignment n then sedara datang.. n then time tu la jugak sakit gigi sampai I had to cancel trip ikut depa gi Switzerland.Alhamdulillah all went well. Assignment, sikit lagi nak abis.... study utk exam settle dah.... research mcm besa aaa oooon and oon.
Nak jadikan cerita, my cousins datang sehari sebelum exam. They didnt want to come at first, takut kacau Ziad exam aaa. Tp actually dah prepare dah awal2 for exam(Study ngan bdak nigeria and german... fine chap!). And I insisted! tah, dgn family nie happy giler. Dengan anak2 plak, rasa macam raya pon ada. Study utk exam nie mmg tension so, bila sedara mai nie macam dicurahi air selepas berpanas study.
Weekend tu dah siap beli ayam utk merinate. PAgi seblom depa mai, dah siap masak tomyam. Alhamdulillah I think they are well fed.
Bila my sedara dah gerak gi Hannover, Ziad tak ikut coz sakit gigi n assignment. Makin lama, makin sakit. Telepon dentist seeeeemua tak amik new patients. Exept for this particular dentist. Pi laaa kat dia..... Ya allah punya laaa kasaq.. dah laaa muka bengis.. patut la clinic dia tak full. Dia xray gigi aku n then he decided tak mau operate gigi aku. Dia refer aku kat hospital instead. Pastu terus demand CASH! hishhhhh kalau nak kata belanda laa...
Bila pi hospital immediately, memacam bureaucracy nak kene register card laa n then nak kene buat appointment... dun forget, time tu tgh sakit gigi dowh . Bila aku kata what if it is an emergency, lady counter tu cakap soh amik panadol jee and dia kata "your doctor(Dr yg kasaq tu) didnt say its an emergency" owh that horrible Dr.... Private practice patutnya lagi baguih aaa and anyway he's not my Dr! My next appointmet was monday
Weekend tu mmg dok risau gak... Siap buat appointment backup dekat Nijmigen lagi.... Coz kat Nijmagen ada buat pakai GA which means bagi pengsan terus, which I prefer. Kalau kat Groningen nie mana ada GA niee Local jeee... Weekend dok rasa lagi sakit tuu.. siap bengkak lagi... isyyy takleh jadi nie.
Sambil tu cakap gak ngan mama papa to calm me down. One thing mama said. Takut... hanya pada Allah ..... Which is logical.. nak takut apa? And mama sed gusi tu besaq mana sangat??? gigi haluih jaaa.... kecik lagi daripada jari. Dat made me felt better. Still, she said, up to you to decide.
Berbekal ngan jiwa yang takut nie, monday tu pi class dulu ...pukui 1pm appointment nieh!... tp takleh concentrate sangatpon.... Dok sembang aaa ngan member2 tanya pengalaman depa cabut gigi. Actually, Belanda nie mmg betui2 jaga gigi start drp kecik lagi. Time2 kecik mmg dah lining siap2 gigi depa so that tak berlubang. And they have their own dentists. Nie baru chek tau, 85% dutch goes for dental checkup at least once a year.
Then is 11am... abis class... every langkah rasa beraaat certain poin mcm nak cancel appointment ja.... maklum lah walaupun dental surgery, its still SURGERY! BAlik umah makan dulu... Tp lupa semayang.... Semayang kat hospital instead(pandai2 aaa cari port). Pas semayang tu dapat Ilham.... If I chicken out, that means I dont believe the presence of Allah. What way to prove my belief towards my creator than to belief his presence and help during my surgery!!! Time tu Ziad Yakin... Yakin adanya Allah dan Allah akan tolong Ziad. Memula depa nak xray menyeluruh dulu...
Pastu one beautiful dentist datang utk check gigi n recomend treatment. I told her about my fear of dentist and she smiled.... Oh boyy comel nyaa... I requested sedative for my anxiety...dia kat no prob... as long as you have somebody to help you go back home... So tepon laaa abang ucop mintak tolong dia pimpin.
Lepas dah lali sket, they brought me to the operation theater and the procedure start. Everything was so fast. Memula cucuk bius bawah lidah.. tak sakit pon.. depa ada mcm...some special teknik depa utk bagi dia tak sakit. Then I felt pressure around my teeth... Sambil2 tu tanya Dr bole dak nyanyi,... so takbir aaa... kena pulak raya haji.... Tup tup gigi keluaq and tup2 depa cuci and then jahit pastu SETTLE! alhamdulillah
PAstu masalah lain pulak... Bukan masalah aa....Ubat bius tu membuatkan aku HIGH....Housemates aku tak larat nak gelak... Ziad habaq kat depa kata "I came here with a limousine" ..........n memacam lagi lah. nie video dia...dalam dok high tu, my conscious mind told me to record it haha

Going to Dental surgery is like a test of faith for me...... Alhamdulillah Allah maha kaya... All went well

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