Minngu Orientasi University di Malaysia
As proud as I am to be a Malaysian University Graduate, I am not proud of our University's Orientation system. Historically, our University orientation system was much worst. It was degrading and humiliating. There were students who went crazy because of the pressure given by the seniors. However, during the Modern era, things have changed..... but still.... it needs major improvement
The video above is just the tip of the iceberg.... Look at their faces... did they enjoy it??
Nie siang siang. Kalau malam-malam kene panggei dengan senior. Pastu kene berleter sampai 2-3 pagi like we are idiots. Tah ape-ape kene ragging dengan senior. Nie tak termasuk yang kene basuh baju senior lagi.
Some institutions even have Army like marches. Penah dulu sampai tahap kene guling-guling atas padang lagi sampai ada orang pengsan. For me it doesnt make sense!!!! We are not going for war!.Those seniors have to understand that new students in a new environment away from their parents for the first time. Let them learn by themselves and not a be a bunch of dictators.
Basically, our orientation system is based on oppression. The seniors were desperate for respect through coercion. As far as I knoe, we are not supposed to gain respect through coercion but we have to earn it by improving ourselves and show good examples.
Australian Universities
See.... macam pesta kan??? The seniors were very accomodative... Terpulangah pada kita... kalau nak ikut ceramah atau tidak. Happyyyyy ja. Macam2 game ada from Foozball to pie throwing. Tapi ada aaa sikit drawbacks... Party terlebih hehe
Nie pulak University Groningen dekat Belanda. Of course memang the parties were extensively highlighted. Tapi, ada macam2 activities besides partying. For example, ada sports tryout, international dinners, tours around the campus, games and macam2 lagi lah
I Strongly believe that we need to change our Oppressive system. Minggu haluan siswa is supposed to be something enjoyable. Not to the extent of University Groningen of course. Our seniors are supposed to be like our brothers and sisters and not bullies.
Not to undermine our Malaysian Universities but as far as Orientation week, overseas universities is the real deal. However, in other areas such as spirituality, religiosity and even teaching, our Malaysian universities are still superior. Kalau dekat OZ or Belanda nie lantak Komee leeee. There are pro-s n con-s.
Yes I have strong resentment towards our University Orientation system. And one day, I intent to change that. Muahahaha
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