UiTM da best bebeh!!!!
credited to UiTM merbok website
I remember the frustration of not getting into any university. Maybe because my SPM grades weren't any good. After I've done some appealing and du'a especially from my parents and my beloved grandma alhamdulillah UiTM Merbok was willing to accept me.
The Malinja College of UiTM was among the best colleges in Malaysia. It has the state of the art facilities and comfort. Word goes around that it is comparable to Seri Malaysia three star facilities. I dont know whether that is true or not but I sure do agree with it. The room is very spacious with sturdy Beds and fine built in study tables. Best of all it is free! so as the food although its not actually the best, I'm thankful.
Classes are equipped with air condition and advanced technology. Everything in the class is controlled by touch screen technology comparable to the ones in Australia and Europe. Even dekat university aku skang, sesetangah class tak secanggih uitm.
I just cant compare the dedication given by UiTM lecturers to other universities that I've attended. It is very important for them that we UiTM students understands what they have delivered. I know some students needs to be encouraged and pushed and UiTM lecturers have done a great job in doing that. This has also inspired me to be a lecturer

I'm very thankful and proud that my fellow UiTM alumni visited me in Groningen. Reminded me of the good old days in Merbok and Arau. I miss having dinner and lunch in Dewan makan Malinja, loitering at central square and most of all, Nasi Ayam Pakmud hmmm heeel lekker!
For those of you who studied/are studying in overseas, panjatkan Syukur kepada Allah No need laaaa to patronize local universities especially UiTM. Yang study local pon syukur juga, because not everybody has this kind of opportunity. Ingat laaa asal usul. Your foundation program most probably be from INTEC jugak. I've heard those unpleasant comments when I was down under and bashed them.
Frankly I've seen local graduates that has way better abilities and charisma rather that foreign grads. It depends on that particular person regardless where they graduate from.
Pictures are credited to Suraya Mansur and Masyitoh UiTM
Wawasan setia pelajar sepam.... Actually ada lagu UiTM dihatiku, tapi lagu tu untuk convo :)
Yang ni typical lagu Groningen....
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. How did you get to my blog exactly? Sorry, mine is not that popular. My readers are usually a nephew, two colleagues,and three students. But it's a network anyway. It's amazing how it connects people and how two unlikely people are connected. Just like what Facebook is doing. You should try it sometime...:)
I like blog hopping and it is a part of my preliminary research... I searched google blog and typed Malaysian Gay.... and voilla! I found you... I wanna know what Malaysians think about this situation.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is a form Micro Blogging.... More pictures(that mean nothing) than words. Yes... you can get info... But not as beneficial as blogging.
Blogging also helps in in my writing .Although my writing still sucks.
Your writing is good...better than mine in fact..Keep on writing... people can know how you think and how matured you are just based on your writing..
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ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to blogging, for me, there’s no such thing as good or bad writing. Your blog’s like your diary. Nobody could tell you how you should write, unless you’re trying to make money out of it. So, if people want to waste their time ‘flipping through the pages’, it should be done at their own risks. Just like when I read a few of your posts with alien symbols in them, some of which used to make my high school life miserable, I got a headache. But as I said, ‘at their own risks’. You did warn actually, 'Permanent Head Damage'...heheh..Btw, I enjoyed the covers..;-)
ReplyDeleteOwh, one more thing..you are in banking/finance/economy (correct me if none is right)and your research is about Malaysian gays? That’s interesting… :-)
Gay Imam? Wow, that’s…..disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI’m currently doing my masters, so it is nice to read your research chronology, something I could relate to. Even though yours is interesting and mine is rather boring..huh...
Anyway, good luck with your Phd…(^^)
It’s either you’re too good or my line of work is extremely predictable…huhu…
ReplyDeleteYup…I’m doing linguistics (part time) in UM (mix mode). I already completed the 6 subjects and currently writing my proposal.
And one of the subjects was indeed semantics. The lecturer is from Bangladesh and I swear his lectures were like traffics in KL. Surprisingly, I did quite well in the assignment on ‘Invariant Meaning’. He asked me what inspired me and I took out a book entitled ‘500 Great Doctor Jokes’ out of my bag and showed it to him. Then he suggested me to do a research on jokes. I loved the idea but I don’t know how it can benefit my students and I don’t think my boss here will be happy with it.
Then I’m thinking of studying Dr.House’s sarcasm. Sarcasm is the second aspect of language that I love most. But I don’t really know how to execute it, and again, I don’t know how it can benefit my students. I just know that I like House. But I do want my ‘as-stiff-as-buildings,-engines,-and-hard drives’ engineering students to at least give me some responses every time I make a sarcastic remark..huh…
So now, I think I want to do something on listening strategies. It’s a combination of learning strategies and psycholinguistics (I guess). I recently conduct a listening test (for their subject), and their performance was quite horrifying. Something needs to be done. Hopefully this one will benefit them.
Where did you do your bachelors and masters? And you seem pretty young for a phd student. Sambung terus ke?
I could actually guess that you were a debater. There are usually 2 types of people who love writing. 1st, good speakers. (they have lots of ideas… if they can’t talk, they write) and 2nd, terrible speakers (people who can’t express feelings verbally…so,there’s really no other choice). I’m the second one. Yup, despite being a teacher, I’m a quite type. I don’t like arguing, leave alone debating. I can’t see why people want to do it. Both sides are correct anyway! What’s the point? See?
ReplyDeleteOk..i know...i know...debating’s good, just not for me…I prefer spelling bee…hehe..anyway, back to the topic..
My degree was from UPM. My case was the other way around. First, I applied for architecture and got in. I chose it because I like technical drawing. But after three semesters, I realized that architecture’s not just about technical drawing. There’s physics too. Remember what I said about all those alien symbols? I’m not a fan. Besides, architecture had turned me into a zombie. I bathed once a day (sometimes in 2 days), spent 14 hours in the studio everyday (sometimes slept there, sometimes no sleep at all), spent a lot of money on models and posters (the tools and materials are expensive), and barely have time for a day out with friends (if we happened to go out, it was because of a project) and most importantly, my CGPA was terrible. Totally not worth it. So I quit. Being a Uitm student yourself, you must be familiar with archi students’ life.
Then, just for the sake of running away from archi, I thought I want to take TESL. Language is the other thing that I like and actually capable of doing. But TESL was not offered during the Nov semester, and there’s no way I would stay in architecture for another semester. So I went through the program book and found Bachelor of Art (English). I applied and got in. And I did penulisan (bahasa melayu) for minor . I was the only English student who took BM as minor. Who cares, I love it.
My first job was with IKIP ( a college under Yayasan Pahang). Worked there for 3 months then I interviewed for my current position in UMP (Universiti Malaysia Pahang). So here I am, for 3 and a half years now. But one thing, because the niche area here is engineering, and English is just a servicing subject, UMP doesn’t sponsor us, (language teacher s) to further our studies. Unlike the engineering tutors, who are forced (and sponsored of course) to do it, just after a semester working. But we’re still fighting for it. That’s why I’m doing my masters part time and using my own money. From what I’ve heard, it’s also quite hard for us to apply for the lecturer position here, even if after completing masters. Two of my friends dah cabut, both to UiTM.
When will you finish your study? Will you be working with USM? Or you’re actually working in Groningen now?
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ReplyDeleteDato' Daing interviewed me when i applied for the language teacher (permanent position) (I started with contract). When he asked me why i deserve the position, i told him bla..bla..bla..and then I mentioned that i'm improving myself by doing masters part time. And then one of the panels responded "Today, to be a lecturer, you need a Phd, not masters anymore." And Dato' Daing added ,"Yes, when you finish your masters, why don't you continue your Phd on your own."
ReplyDeleteI was...speechless.
Owh..Prof Yusseri is now our new TNCA.
Ooohh...Dr Nazrin is totally worth the wait..:)
ReplyDeleteTekanan for me is on and off...sometimes mmg rase sgt tertekan, especially when 3 of your best friends are getting married this very year. One of them has been in the relationship for two years, the other one, 1 and a half, and the last one, two months! yang two months tu my best friend in archi dulu. Orang kelantan, mmg sopan santun orangnya. Tak bercinta pun, Januari orang masuk meminang, die terbuka pintu hati nak terima. In fact, they never talked to each other...even on phone... Sms jer..and their wedding's in June.
Isn't fate fascinating?
But when my brother in law asked me about it, my super cool father answered it for me ,"Belum sampai masa dia lagi," .Then all my pressure's gone! But maybe because he already has 10 grandkids..."Oh,God..please don't give me another one, 10 is enough to bring down my entire house in just a week of school holidays". Hehehe..
Of course, there's no way I'm gonna do my Phd using my own money. I've been dreaming of doing it abroad. I love spring, and autumn. But I can't stand the cold. Okay, i hate it when i think too much. I'm actually pretty nervous now. i have an appointment with my sv this thursday regarding my proposal(if you could call one). Wish me luck….errrr…sorry…what’s your real name actually? (fate sometimes forget important details..:) )