Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You are old when....

1) Facebook, myspace and other social networking sites are lame (Does blogging count?)

2) When friends you age are married and have kids

3) When your lil sisters n brothers get married

4) When your nieces and nephews get married(extreme case)(disc. does not apply to all families)

5) When you watch what you eat

6)When some kid holds your hand by mistake thinking that you're his dad

7)When some kid claims that you are his dad

8)When you stop goin clubbin

9)When students calls you sir

10) When you go to renew your passport, people at the embassy thinks that you want to register a childbirth

11) When you drink coffee with professors

12)When having a playstation 1/2/3 is no longer your life ambition

13) When you read this stuff

14)When you say to your self... Shit! thats me

15) Then feeling alone, ashamed, lost, confused......

What tha hell am I'm thinking..... Age is relative...... Life expectancy in poor countries can go below 40.... While in advanced countries can go up to 80.....

Enjoy life (with limitations of course) be thankful of what you have

Invest in life and afterlife


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