Anyway, Prof e-mailed my about his suggestion for Dr Justin Beaumont to be my co-supervisor. He's gonna supervise me on the theoretical part and Prf will be supervising on the econometrics part. I said ok aaa...Actually its more like BRILLIANT! coz when I met Justin also, he did ask whether I need him to supervise, but I have Henk already so skang mmg happy.
By the Way Dr Justin Beaumont is an Englishman..Got his Phd from Durham... I just discovered how to pronounce Durham... NOT Durr Hamm BUT Durrem.... Silent H... Hehehe orang biasa ngan dutch mana tau semua2 nie "poyo" . Anyway, he is a very energetic suave, charismatic n a person with style with a strong intelactual touch. The choice of word that he uses reflects countless books that he has reads and write and his in depth research not just abot planning but in Theology as well. He has collaborations especially theologeans, planners, geographers and reverants from churches. In fact he has organised a conferences just recently about Dutch religious situatiation mainly about faith based organization and from that conference he compiled all the research work into a book that will be out soon, July maybe....
First impression of him, he has made research as more fun for me. I think the research about postsecularization that he's doing is fun!!! sadly i dont think it can be applied in Malaysia..not yet Coz Malaysia's secularization is still latent..... N my research is to crystallise it. What he want from me for now is what is the Aim for my studies and my propose chapters in my thesis. After that we will sit together with henk in my office n discuss about my phd future...Nie yg gelabah nie
Anyway, KHairy mai, n lama aku tak jumpak Amir... So 2 birds with one stone.. Jumaat malam aku gerak gi Hilversum n spent the night there. N the next morning(More like afternoon) me n Amir gerak gi Amsterdam n wait for khairy. Unfortunately Khairy sampai lambat n we waited for hours. Not Khairy's fault anyway coz It was raining n they had trouble with the holland pass. So, Amir n I had nothing to do except being hooligans in Amsterdam. Our mission cari MELAYU.. haha... Especially awek... Tp unfortunately time kami nak cari, takde pon Melayu. Yang ada orang Indo... Anywayzz we did found a group of Malay, tp u guys know kan typical Malaysian students yg study dekat UK, buat deeek ja dkt kami so lantak lah. Kami, Malaysians yg study dekat Holand nie kalau jumpa other Malaysians, kami apreciaaaate sangat.
Anyway after hours of waiting, finally we get to meet Khairy n Also Hawa Hanum.... Aww she's so cute. We need to rock her pram so that she's asleep, if not she wakes up. We took some pictures n aku n Amir pon letih sangat... we had some lite dinner n head back.
The next morning b4 I headed back, I cooked Kuah durian... We had to open all the windows so that the Gas incidence never happen again. It was spring n prettey warm outside so we ate outside...mmg sempoi.. Orang puteh pon heran kami makan kuah durian kat luar sambil main guitar n nyanyi.... How oftern do you hear 2 Malaysian guys eating kuah durian in Hileversim netherlands?.... 

bro..nice gile buat kuah durian and mkn stylo gile..huhu..i like..thumbs up!
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