Alot of things that I want to write but dyemmm so little time. Ok first things first... professor wants me to be faster in my progress but i'm a slow reader n writer. So i think I really have to sacrifice most of my fun time to my research. However, today pulak he said "you've really made progress when I showed him my model" hahaaa alhamdulillah legaaa sikit.
Actually without the cacing2 my model is rather simple, its just using Zakat payment as a latent variable which I believe a good measure of religiosity which in turn will ask my main question of my research that is.."Is Malaysia secularised?". I know Singapore is not secularised and singapore is the most developed country in SEA and within 35 years of independence, singapore managed to move from a 3rd world country to a developed counrty(more info plz read articles by peirera). Back to my model, I'm using Malaysia Housohold expense survey to empirically examine wether secularization theory holds for the case of Malaysia. Anyway kalau korang nak tau, secularization theory nie basically lagi developed economy lagi kureng pegangan agama seseorang tu and I dont think that can be applied for Malaysia and I want to prove it empirically hahaha gila kan?. So belek2 Buku panduan HES nie tgk2 ada payment of Zakat in a household, n belek2 sikit lagi ada demographic data, education, health and housing condition! ini suda menarik coz I can use that for my latent independent variables!! So kita pon call laaaa Jabatan perangkaaan for the request of datasets n I've been stalking ppl from jabatan perangkkan for a few days now. Meanwhile, i've been updating literatures in a form of table(thanks to Datin Dr Joriah 4 that)
Anyway social life.....lil suxx..... Cedric balik italy, Jauma balik spain, Martin balik czech, Vaiva n Indre balik lithuania....yang tinggal bebudak hunggary and Claudio mmber portuguese. Jadi laaaa anyway bole concentrate research, kalau dak kira merayau jaaa ngan depa

Nie time dinner paling best, cedric masak kat aku vegetarian lagzania, n ak plak buat cucoq udang hahaha beeest!

Anyway social life.....lil suxx..... Cedric balik italy, Jauma balik spain, Martin balik czech, Vaiva n Indre balik lithuania....yang tinggal bebudak hunggary and Claudio mmber portuguese. Jadi laaaa anyway bole concentrate research, kalau dak kira merayau jaaa ngan depa
Nie time dinner paling best, cedric masak kat aku vegetarian lagzania, n ak plak buat cucoq udang hahaha beeest!
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