Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Syukur Alhamdulillah when I received the news that Tok dah passed away, I was with kakyong and family in Paris. At least I was not alone.... Terkejut jugak... tp redha je... Seriously contemplating utk balik, coz dah dekat dah ngan Charles De Gaulle Airport, and insurance cover for the expense. Tp papa n mama kata no need, coz mmg Ziad takkan sempat... Tambahan pulak there were chaos in airports becoz of the heavy snow

Tak sangka time Ziad balik jumpa tok time kenduri Nawal adalah kali terakhir Ziad jumpa tok. Glad to have your last kisses with traces of bedak sejuk on my cheeks and i purposely wouldnt wipe it off haha. I thank her for the prayers to me for my success. Tok had faith in me even though I had doubts in my self,

"Takpa Ziad.... Tok Yakin, Tok dah doa dah...Ziad akan pass..... Baca book elok2"

Her shoulders were the most comfortable shoulders to put your head on. She was a woman of wisdom... After all that she had been through, she's tough and a true survivor.

No regrets... Time balik Malaysia, Ziad bagi isi nyioq kat dia... Tau dia suka... Pastu bawak balik chocolates and cheese from Holland.... Bagi dia makan cherries and peaches... Kehulu-kehilir cari ubat n cream utk dia.... I guess Mama, papa n Nawal pon no regrets... MAma telah lah... Lap dia, basuh rambut dia etc. Papa was more than a son than a son in law. Nawal can be in her best dress and still jump in and bagi mandi dia. Special thanks to Loan(Nawal's husband) for taking my place utk uruskan Tok. We treated her like a Queen.....

Now its my turn to Doa for her. For her safe journey to the realm of barzakh and beyond.

Moga Allah ampunkan segala dosa tok, eliminate Azab kubur, terangkan dan luaskan kubur dia.

"Ziad saaaaayang kat Tok"

Readers, please sedekahkan Yasin.... anything lah Al-Ikhlas keee Al-Fatihah kee...anything....

Monday, December 13, 2010


Topic nie agak jijik. Its about Animal defecation product

In Malaysia

Avoid sandy areas!! or be cautious of on places that has sand or even small gravels. Coz potentially a sneaky feline has left a present. And the smell..... you tell me. It gets worse when you stepped on it and you get into your car and the smell stays in you car for days. I can just understand that there are alot of stray animals in Malaysia. So its the animals fault and partially its the local govts fault coz they do not take care of these stray cats

In the Netherlands

Avoid grassy areas along the walking path. Coz its a mine zone. Allocate at least 1 metre of buffer zone, but in the middle of the field the risk gets less but still watch out!. Another spot that you should avoid are the trees by the side of the road. Dont ever walk on the dirt around the tree Here feline is not much trouble. But the K9 is much worse especially the big fat ones. The big fat ones produce a LOAD of you know what. Things gets worse during winter coz its most likely covered by snow, you cant see it until you step on it. Its not the fault of the animal coz there are no stray animals in the netherlands. Its the fault of the dog owbers! Here, dog poo wise, the people are very individualistic and they are opportunists! with low sense of social capital. Funny... such a developed country, people are still under developed (dog poo wise).

In Australia

Its pretty safe I guess. People here are more aware of the environment. Although they take their dogs out for a walk, the pickup the poo that the dogs left. If you observe the Aussies, they walk their dogs with a leach and they have spare plastic bags..... you know... to pick up the chocolate fudge. Sometimes I can also see them with their palm wrapped in plastic bag, waiting for the chocolate fudge to drop from the factory "literally!!!" . I guess the saying "Dogs are mens best friend" really applies in Australia! . Would you do that to your human best friend??? I dont think so! you'd rather do it to your dog..... That makes me wonder, who's the master???. At least Australians have better awareness... Plus.. in recreational parks its pretty easy to get plastic bags for de poo poo.

I know this entry is disgusting. Its just because last saturday I stepped on one!!! Just beside my apartment! and its not even near a tree or sand. Its on cement! and It was a big yellow one! with my Lacoste shoes! Verdomme!

Have a nice Disgusting day :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pengalaman Menarik

Ini adalah cerita drp salah sorang Prof drp school aku

Thesis Phd dia mainly about Moses Model. Moses model nie basically an extension drp Weber Model. Not Max weber tp adik dia. Basically dalam mainstream economics, Dunia nie hanyalah di hujung pin, maksudnya lokasi firm or lebih mendalam lagi jarak firm tu dengan firm lain dan suppliers tak diambil kira. Sebab tu ada New economic geography yang ambik kira lokasi n jarak. Well google moses model kalau nak tau lebih lanjut.

Selalunya academician ada ada idola dia. Kalau dia nie dalam bidang Economy, maybe idola dia J.M Keynes or Milton friedman. Kalau dalam Physics mungkin Raymond Davis Jr.... Mcm aku, idola academia aku ialah mendiang Earnst Gellnerr. Tp idola prof aku nie, si Moses nie la.. One day lepas conference di new york kawan2 prof aku nie arrange prof aku supaya bole gi dinner dekat umah si Moses nie. Pergh... bayangkan rumah bungalow berpagar high security dekat new york(sapa kata lecturer gaji ciput huh!).

Masa tengah dinner dengan si Moses nie, prof aku notice dekat dinding dining room to ada banyak painting. So, dia tanya aaa siapa lukis? Moses kata Frida Kahlo kalau tak silap. Frida Kahlo tu tau siapa????Famous maxican painter yang paint dekat UN building. Sebijik2 harga berjuta. Tp bapak si moses nie kenal dengan painter tu, masa dia tak famous aaa. And painting yang dekat umah moses nie masa dia beli, less that 10 Dollar...... Sekarang Berjuta.... Pastu si Moses nie soh prof aku gi Toilet umah dia.... Prof aku masuk... tadak apa2 pon .. tapi bila dia tutup pintu bilik ayaq tu, ada satu lagi painting.... dia ushar betui2 ada signature picasso.....Rupanya bapak si moses nie kenal rapat ngan picasso and dia beli painting tu dengan harga yg sangat murah.

So the question is, painting2 yang bermillion2 dollar nie mcm mana nak protect? Haaa nie cerita best. Of course laa ada security and alarm semua. Tp despite that family moses nie kaya raya, depa mash lagi tak mampu untuk insure semua painting2 tu. Picasso tu saja, nilai dia berkali2 ganda keseluruhan asset keluarga moses. So, depa tubuhkan foundation kerjasama dengan muzeum utk nak insure semua painting.

Aku ingat aaa bila berjalan2 kat europe, tgk painting murah, beli je!!! mana tau kot2 famaous kawan tu, Buleh berjuta2 euro

Note to self.... never compromise safety.... Td naik beskal, aku dok tailgate satu kereta, tiba2 dia brek.... sikiiiit ja lagi... dahla brek aku hampeh... Immediately gi repair brek kat kedai... kena 11.50eur...


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dutch Edu Sys

My last post, kan aku mention DUtch style education. Well, it is tough but nothing is imposible. I received an e-mail that I've passed subject yang paling susah (at least for me). Siap cakap congratulations lagi. mmg banyak orang fail subject nie pon, yang repeat pon fail.... Oh yeah kat holland, repeat nie is not a big deal yerr.... 5.5/10 is the passing mark... so berceretet yang fail. Tp syukur Alhamdulillah Allah bagi jalan. The journey towards passing this subject wasn't easy. Kita nie dah la tak reti... So jadi laaa pengemis... Muka nak kene tebal laa... Pegi study ngan budak drp China, Africa n German..... Yang paling banyak tolong, budak Nigeria, Obi nama dia..... Baik dan ikhlas menolong....Banyak nya dia yang mengajar aku.. I think he will be a great teacher...

Rupanya, dutch system, Weekly test susah gilerrr soklan pusing babeng.... Mid terms test pon susah... Tp final... betul2 mcm soklan cth masa class.... Aku mcm tak caye gak... Tp that's their style.

This block ada statistic... Banyaknya hans on with spss... menarik gak... Ada multiple regression... factor analysis etc lagi detail laaa.... I really need to grasp on factor analysis to learn on Principle component analysis (PCA)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Suasana dekat Holland nie amatlah lain. Bagi yang Iman yang tak kuat, mmg akan terpesong. Sesetengah benda yang salah dari sisi agama dan budaya kita mmg menjadi perkara biasa bagi orang2 dekat sini. Tak lupa juga kepada orang2 yang lupa pada asal usul. Allah dah bagi keistimewaan untuk belajaq dekat Kota Groningen yang Indah nie, ada juga segelintir yang lupa asal usul. Pernah aku bersembang dengan orang yang lupa asal usul budaya dan agama, berbangga dengan vodka yang dipegangnya. Macam Vodka tu lambang kemajuan dan trend. Pemikiran dia yang menganggap orang yang conservative ( yang masih lagi intact dengan agama dan budaya) nie sebagai kolot. Malah, mempersendakan golongan seperti ini. Dengan ilmunya yang penuh didada bercampur dengan perasaan riak melafazkan nas daripada kitab Suci daripada surah Al Kafirun, iaitu....Untukmu agamamu, dan untuk ku lah agamaku. Rupanya budak nie pernah belajr dekat Madrasah. Thats why kita nak kene doa everyday and everytime moga2 Allah bagi kita ketetapan Iman.

“Dan kalau Allah menghendaki, niscaya Dia menjadikan kamu satu umat (saja), tetapi Allah menyesatkan siapa yang dikehendaki- Nya dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang dikehendaki- Nya. Dan sesungguhnya kamu akan ditanya tentang apa yang telah kamu kerjakan.” [An- Nahl : 93]

Tak kurang jugak orang Belanda.... Pure Dutch! ...... Yang kaya raya. Taukeh Chocolate laa katakan. If you Imagine a stylish european chocolate shop with hand made chocolates yang kita tgk dalam travel TV tu, itu lah kedai dia. Who would of have known that yang tauke tu Masuk Islam. Nice chap, bila aku masuk kedai dia dengan cousins aku, I guess maybe coz dia tgk my cousins pakai tudung, dia terus bagi salam. Aku mati2 ingat dia orang maroco. Tp tak.... Dia pure dutch dan dia peluk Islam not through marriage. Aku tanya dia, mcm mana bole peluk Islam nie? Dia kata dia lonely.... Bila dia kawin pon dia lonely. So, one day dia dok ushar2 buku pastu dia tarik Al-Quran dan randomly baca

Dia recite ayat nie

“Wahai manusia sesungguhnya Kami telah
menciptakan kamu daripada lelaki dan perempuan. Dan
Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku
supaya kamu saling kenal mengenal.”

Al-Hujurat ((49) : 13

Dia kata, Nie lah yang aku mencari-cari selama nie.

Dia cukup tak suka Geert Wilders..... And then dia quote pulak ayat nie

Firman Allah: ``Kitab Suci itulah hidayah petunjuk Allah. Allah memberi hidayah petunjuk dengan al-Quran itu kepada sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya (menurut undang-undang peraturan-Nya) dan (ingatlah) sesiapa yang disesatkan Allah (disebabkan pilihannya yang salah), maka tidak ada sesiapa pun yang dapat memberi hidayah petunjuk kepadanya.'' (Az-Zumar 39:3).
Kita pon naik segan how this guy really appreciate Islam......
Nie christmas dah dekat, Siterclass pon dah mula dok mai dah..... Lagi kaya laaa muallaf tu hehe
Abang eddy ajak gi Milan, paris n swiss time xmass..... Hurmmm takyah lahh baik concentrate ngan research..... I have to remember my main objective here.... To get through Phd.... Maybe I'll drop by hannover tido 2 malam kaaa cukup.. then bak to work... i have yet to convince prof that I have the materials to get Phd :(
Pulun aaaa bila lagi??
Anyway Snow dah turun.... Sejuk super.....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Exam--Test of faith

Sorry lambat reply...Giler busy.... Assignment, study utk exam n research... Pergh juggling stuff. Memula exam, pastu assignment n then sedara datang.. n then time tu la jugak sakit gigi sampai I had to cancel trip ikut depa gi Switzerland.Alhamdulillah all went well. Assignment, sikit lagi nak abis.... study utk exam settle dah.... research mcm besa aaa oooon and oon.
Nak jadikan cerita, my cousins datang sehari sebelum exam. They didnt want to come at first, takut kacau Ziad exam aaa. Tp actually dah prepare dah awal2 for exam(Study ngan bdak nigeria and german... fine chap!). And I insisted! tah, dgn family nie happy giler. Dengan anak2 plak, rasa macam raya pon ada. Study utk exam nie mmg tension so, bila sedara mai nie macam dicurahi air selepas berpanas study.
Weekend tu dah siap beli ayam utk merinate. PAgi seblom depa mai, dah siap masak tomyam. Alhamdulillah I think they are well fed.
Bila my sedara dah gerak gi Hannover, Ziad tak ikut coz sakit gigi n assignment. Makin lama, makin sakit. Telepon dentist seeeeemua tak amik new patients. Exept for this particular dentist. Pi laaa kat dia..... Ya allah punya laaa kasaq.. dah laaa muka bengis.. patut la clinic dia tak full. Dia xray gigi aku n then he decided tak mau operate gigi aku. Dia refer aku kat hospital instead. Pastu terus demand CASH! hishhhhh kalau nak kata belanda laa...
Bila pi hospital immediately, memacam bureaucracy nak kene register card laa n then nak kene buat appointment... dun forget, time tu tgh sakit gigi dowh . Bila aku kata what if it is an emergency, lady counter tu cakap soh amik panadol jee and dia kata "your doctor(Dr yg kasaq tu) didnt say its an emergency" owh that horrible Dr.... Private practice patutnya lagi baguih aaa and anyway he's not my Dr! My next appointmet was monday
Weekend tu mmg dok risau gak... Siap buat appointment backup dekat Nijmigen lagi.... Coz kat Nijmagen ada buat pakai GA which means bagi pengsan terus, which I prefer. Kalau kat Groningen nie mana ada GA niee Local jeee... Weekend dok rasa lagi sakit tuu.. siap bengkak lagi... isyyy takleh jadi nie.
Sambil tu cakap gak ngan mama papa to calm me down. One thing mama said. Takut... hanya pada Allah ..... Which is logical.. nak takut apa? And mama sed gusi tu besaq mana sangat??? gigi haluih jaaa.... kecik lagi daripada jari. Dat made me felt better. Still, she said, up to you to decide.
Berbekal ngan jiwa yang takut nie, monday tu pi class dulu ...pukui 1pm appointment nieh!... tp takleh concentrate sangatpon.... Dok sembang aaa ngan member2 tanya pengalaman depa cabut gigi. Actually, Belanda nie mmg betui2 jaga gigi start drp kecik lagi. Time2 kecik mmg dah lining siap2 gigi depa so that tak berlubang. And they have their own dentists. Nie baru chek tau, 85% dutch goes for dental checkup at least once a year.
Then is 11am... abis class... every langkah rasa beraaat sangat..at certain poin mcm nak cancel appointment ja.... maklum lah walaupun dental surgery, its still SURGERY! BAlik umah makan dulu... Tp lupa semayang.... Semayang kat hospital instead(pandai2 aaa cari port). Pas semayang tu dapat Ilham.... If I chicken out, that means I dont believe the presence of Allah. What way to prove my belief towards my creator than to belief his presence and help during my surgery!!! Time tu Ziad Yakin... Yakin adanya Allah dan Allah akan tolong Ziad. Memula depa nak xray menyeluruh dulu...
Pastu one beautiful dentist datang utk check gigi n recomend treatment. I told her about my fear of dentist and she smiled.... Oh boyy comel nyaa... I requested sedative for my anxiety...dia kat no prob... as long as you have somebody to help you go back home... So tepon laaa abang ucop mintak tolong dia pimpin.
Lepas dah lali sket, they brought me to the operation theater and the procedure start. Everything was so fast. Memula cucuk bius bawah lidah.. tak sakit pon.. depa ada mcm...some special teknik depa utk bagi dia tak sakit. Then I felt pressure around my teeth... Sambil2 tu tanya Dr bole dak nyanyi,... so takbir aaa... kena pulak raya haji.... Tup tup gigi keluaq and tup2 depa cuci and then jahit pastu SETTLE! alhamdulillah
PAstu masalah lain pulak... Bukan masalah aa....Ubat bius tu membuatkan aku HIGH....Housemates aku tak larat nak gelak... Ziad habaq kat depa kata "I came here with a limousine" ..........n memacam lagi lah. nie video dia...dalam dok high tu, my conscious mind told me to record it haha

Going to Dental surgery is like a test of faith for me...... Alhamdulillah Allah maha kaya... All went well

Monday, October 25, 2010


Layan gak lagu nie.... Sort of a lovey dovey song... But what a hell I like his voice

Oh yeah and I'm covering a a few songs.... Very amaturish

and this

Oh yeah.... And KErja gila kami kat Rotterdam

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Aku yang bingung

Today i've found out one of the most trivial things in my life! Rupa-rupanya orang boleh comment blog aku! Bila tukaq page design baru aku tau. Lawak dak?.... Stupid kaan? baru tau...


Do not have high expectation on Phd students!! They are also ngong like any ngongs you find on the street.... Or is it just mee???? I guess its just me kooot.... And readers, sorry kalau aku tak balas comments... bukan sombong tapi tak retiiiiii.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perdana Menteri Baru Belanda

Akhirnya, selepas beberapa kali berdebat di meja rundingan, Belanda sudah ada PM baru Mark Rutte menggantikan Balkenande. Sebelum nie, dah beberapa bulan tiga parti besar Belanda dok negotiate untuk membentuk sebuah kerajaan. Parti CDA dan parti VVD terpaksa berkerjasama dengan PVV yang dipimpin oleh "Gerit Liar" yang lantang mengutuk agama kita.

Dok sembang2 dengan orang Belanda, macam2 pendapat depa bagi. Daripada orang intelek, depa kata. Macam mana parti CDA dan VVD boleh setuju utk berkerjasama dengan PVV yang polisi dia amatlah berunsurkan Anti Islam dan perkauman yang ekstrim. Daripada orang belanda yang tepi jalan, depa suka dengan "Mat Gerit" pasai dia berani untuk menyuarakan pandangan dia. Memang banyak pendatang daripada timur tengah berkijrah ke Belanda pon.

Aku rasa la... Mat Gerit nie tak ada modal lain.... Dia cuma hendak mencari publisity murahan daripada media. Dalam bahasa utagha laaa... Kebebasan bersuara tegha mana???.... Sebenarnya dekat USA dah ada undang2 baru pasal kebebasan bersuara. Nama dia Theathre Law. Undang2 dia mcm nie.... Dalam satu theathre/ pawaham laa katakan. Kalau ada seseorang yang jerit Api!! Api!! kebakaran!!, mesti orang akan panic kan?? menjerit api! adalah satu kebebasan bersuara tapi dalam masa yang sama, dalam kekalutan tu mesti ada stampede dimana orang jatuh dan cedera etc.... Nie lah loophole dalam notion kebebasan bersuara yang akan menghantar mat gerit nie ke muka pengadilan.

Moga2 dia disumbatkan dalam penjara dan rambut perang dia yang macam haram tu dicukur botak haha

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lumrah Phd

Best giler baca blog bro aku sorang nie. He has entered another phase in his life. I remember we used to study together and teasing each other. Tup tup dia dah ada anak. Super cute plak tu. I'm still stuck in this phase in my life where there are exams where I am graded.

I've studied in Malaysia and I've studied in Australia. Both countries have about the same system. Malaysia style as far as my observation laa----> You have a whole semester to do a course. Lecturers give comprehensive notes , explain satu2. As long as you practice over and over ok aaaa. Pastyears khatam ok bole aaa B+ at least takpon A-. Soalan nak pusing mcm mana lagi??. To a certain extent selak jee tengok figures terus boleh jawab.... Siap create shortcut lagi.....

In Australia, lebih kurang.... The lecturers really explain.... Except Visual basics... tak tau kepala ujung pangkal.... Seb baik pass. BAsically it is good to read before class... Tp takde laaaa detail sangat baca seblom class tu. Tp pastyears tadak.... sooo pandai2 aaa practice banyak2.

Holland?? System laeeeeeen dowh!!! You need deeeeep understanding! Practice is certainly not enough! Khatam aaaa berkali2 pon practice / pastyears. Soalan yang keluar mmg pusing! Dalam course description pon dah cakap, "Do not expect the instructor to explain everything! Study in detail before hand" PAstu sini tak main aaaa semester... Sini main Block... 1 sem = 2 blocks every blocks ada exam. Every week ada test! And depa akan announce sapa fail test.

I've been through Malaysian and australian system. Going through dutch system has its huge hurdles.... Sini very theoretical, maknanya maths kene strong... algebra kene petik jari jeee.... Aku masih lagi terkial-kial dowh.

Apa2 pung I'll try my best.... At this moment baru abis test ! Question last tu aral siket... aduuuuh

Thesis pulak.... Prof tak setuju ngan proposal pulak dah.... Dia kata, kalau nak buat ikut proposal aku nie, nak kene extend banyak tahun. So I have to come up with another one.

Life's getting tougher

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Al Fatihah

Mintak sapa2 yang baca blog nie sedekahkan Al Fatihah kepada Dr Ahmad Adnan yang meninggal dunia hari Rabu 4pm. Kebumi Pagi Khamis kot. A very cool guy although sakit tenat, bole lagi senyum n layan tetamu when I visited him the last time I was in Malaysia. He has contributed alot to the country. He is the pioneer/founder of PPU(Pusat Pakar Utara) which is now KMC.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I commit FB suicide

It all started when I was having conversation with Paksu. BTW, FYI, Pak Su is my uncle. One of the uncles that I look up to. In fact mama Alwiz sort of associate me with Pak su's Traits. You know mama's.... Her son is alwiz the best. Pak Su is a very qualified , sensible and wise guy. Started out as a low achiever but now, one of the big shots in Malaysia's leading group of companies. His view regarding the Malaysia economy and politics is something you wanna listen untill 1 oçlock in the morning.

Well, facebook is a social phenomenon which tallies with human instinct. Human instinct to be penyibuk until at certain extent.... stalking!. His view of Facebook is "A waste if Time!". You basically give out your personal information to the public although there are terms and condition. Violate your own privacy and privacy of others.

His point of waste of time is really true. I mean, you waste at least 15-20 mins of your life reading what people think and sometimes petty things like "Just came back from a coffee" maybe thats not a good example. but you know what I mean. And sometime browsing some silly and obscene pictures. Sometimes people tag you when they are not suppose to yet alone posting embarassing pictures of you.

Hahaha kinda think of it, I'm not closing my FB account because of those reason. Its just because I'm very busy and I just wanna concentrate with coursework and research. Giler stress this block.

I miss Malaysia
Kekadang tengok iklan petronas kat youtube
Jumaat dengaq Khutbah kat Youtube
But not everybody can enjoy life in the Netherlands
Leaves turning yellow.. getting colder
Owh assignment!!! oh paper!!!!! owh supervisor!!!
Banyak kawan masalah
Takdak kawan lonely... nak concentrate ngan research aaa konon
Phd ooooh phd jauhnyaaaaaaaaa
God I miss my Erasmus buddies
Adakah aku semakin gemuk???
Need to buy a scale.... 14 euro bole makan kebab seminggu

Monday, September 13, 2010

Embarrassment at a National level

For this situation, I'm adapting a post modern style of thinking. Everybody has his/her own opinion. Nobody is free from criticism. Sedangkan great philosophers and leaders pon dapat macam2 criticism, inikan pulak si kerdil ini.

Before that I was criticizing Mr F, pengerusi persatuan XXX for being blur in is correspondence with CNN. I checked his background and found out that he was very well educated from University in the UK. Why he did not answer the questions from the TV newscaster properly. He keeps reading the text... In other words, he fumbled.

Pandai sangat kata dekat orang, last2 sekali kene dekat diri sendiri. I've embarrassed myself in National television For all of you who watched Berita astro Awani. Especially when they mentioned that I'm a "Pelajar Kedoktoran di Amsterdam" Yes that was me and I've made a mistake. My mistake was, I didn't listen to the questions properly. I dont know why... My best bet is maybe because I am nervous. Or maybe because it was really in the morning and I was blur. Well korang nak kutuk keee nak kata apa-apa I accept it with open arms. I deserved it. I think its a learning process...Coz i've never been interviewed in live TV before.

Lesson learned(The hard way)..... Prepare yourself before an interview. Be sure of the questions that the TV casters ask you before hand although the read the question really fast and you cant catch up with the question.

Another lesson... Dont be disappointed by people's criticism and judgement about you, especially in national television hahaha. What to do? dah lepas dah... just lough about it lah. Anyway i'm learning that Phd has its hurdle. Kalau nak ikut criticism orang lain tentang penulisan dan pemikiran aku mmg very frustrating.... Kekadang rasa macam diri nie bodoh dan useless

I pray to Allah that he gives me knowledge superiority and so that I can contribute alot in Islam and to the Academic world .

Hehe kalau nak pikir balik... eeee maluuuuu malunyaa aduuh tensen

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flying into the unknown

I just found out that I only have 2 decent shirts for a conference. Off to Zara laaa apa lagi?. Thus I bought a whole new wardobe complete with collard T-Shirt and shirts. A lil bit body hugging but who cares... Thats why I work out...(With a lil bit of cheese cake on the side).

And Presto! My bag is packed complete with matching suits... Nie nak gi conference keee fashion show nieh?

Before that I'm messaged my bro amir that I was gonna crash at his joint...

Amir said, lets bukak posa at Masjid MArocco and pekena Hariraa and tajiyn.. So we went... and buy it was a hefty bukak posa. The Harira was great, ada dengan roti arab and roti canai. Met new friends, takleh cakap English. But boleh cakap dutch and Arabish sahaja. So, there I was again speaking broken Dutch and arabic... I guess "Darabic is my third language" A real creole made up by De Heer Ziad.

I've never met such a nice person like Amir. He treats me like his own bro. Kalau Ziad mai mesti dia masak. Alot of surprises bila Ziad mai. He's the kind of person that honours friendship. I learn from honoring friendhip from him.

He gave me his keys and ask me to leave it in his kast so that i have ample time to rest for my flight to Sweden

I was expecting for a big ass airplane and it turned out that it was a small plane. But it was still a jet plane so, I guess its better than kipas plane. thankfully it was not very bumpy and not that tiring although puasa.

There I was all alone transit semua.. I guess i'm used to it... I have my own time and in a survival mode. Alwiz check and raba2 to check wether my pasport is there or not. And raba2 my back pocket for my keys although I'm not using it. I guess it has became a habit.

Well, from the sky, it seems that there's alot of lakes in Sweden and lots of trees. Most of the trees are sprucy and its all green. Sampai airport than I observe the people. They are not that tall... At least shorter than dutch.

Alhamdulillah my serunding lepass!!! takde orang check passport pon. I guess europe is very intergrated and they trust each other although Sweden uses their own currency. Keluaq2 je pagaq ada booth European Regional Sciences Congress (ERSA ) with two hot blonde naturally bleached hair waiting for deligates. Yang bestnya aku langsung tak nampak those blondes, yet alone the booth. Keluaq2 ja pagaq kalut dok cari bas nak gi Jonkoping. After dekat sejam aaa gi balik kat pagaq, baru nampak booth.

Anyway, my friends were right. Among blonds, Swedish chicks are smoking hot. Clear blue eyes, blonde hair and petite. They almost made dutch girls look like giants. Tp bau hamis sikit, I guess they have worked alot for the congress. It is a very significant congress, dengan 50 year anniversary nya etc......... And yess pahala puasa bertaburan di Sweden....

Purposely datang sehari awal so that I can take my own time. Explored the city...... I noticed that it is very safe. I mean, tak rasa takut pon coz ppl there, I guess terlalu maju and they dont need to disturb people. Except for weekend of course... but still.... harmless people...

I dunno... I'm not really what you call religious.... I dont really join Usrah and top five dalam masjid. But I guess Allah selalu tolong. Time nak check in hotel, minah yang jaga hotel tu sikiiit lagi nak blah. Kalau tak, mana laaa aku nak tido n sahur malam tuu...

Bilik pon selesa sangat, although toilet share. Tp tak penah pon nak kene tunggu orang.

The view of lake vatern pon cantik, so breathtaking.... Dekat tepi2 jalan ada wild flowers.

Petang tu registration.....

So register laaa aku sorang2... Everybody seems to know everybody... Jumpa2 terus jabat tangan... berpeluk pon ada... Semua stok tua2... I guess most of them dah ada Phd and some of them dah professor.

There I was wandering alone in the sea of seasoned academicians. Berenang punya berenang, Jumpa jugak orang muda, tp still tua lagi pada aku... Budak Finland... So budak Finland nie pon intro aku ngan Finnish yang lain. Pastu pelan-pelan jumpa budak mexico, Korea, Venezuela, spain.. still they are older than me.... Ada aaa budak Philippine rasanya muda lagi drp aku.. tp sombong.. maklum laa duduk Germany... bAu tengit jugak..

And then it was my turn to present. Gabra nie Allah sahaja yang tau.. But as the time is near, makin kurang rasa gabra. Seblom tu call mama dulu, and she knows my schedule . Prof pon nak turut serta dalam audience. Prof was very supportive despite his busy schedule. Alhamdulillah the presentation according to the audience was ok (great). Lots and lots of questions raised by the delegates

Among the questions yang participanta tanya... lawak jugak..

Can we not pay Zakat every year and pay it in a lump sum with interest?

How about the influence of peer preasure as one of the factors why people pay zakat?

ARE Malaysians forced to pay Zakat?

Posiblity of obtaining panel spatial data

and many more....

Most of these questions, I answer to them by explaining the concept of "salvic merit" better known to us by Dosa and pahala. And this is to utilize this belief among Malaysian citizens to get them to help the government in terms of welfare.

They are very interested in the potential of Zakat in Regional economics research particularly in regional welfare.Because most EU countries are welfare countries.So, the welfare mmg mcm totally public funded.


In that conference I get to rub shoulders with great professors from great universities. My professor pon dok kenen2 potential of Zakat research in regional economics. Also, I gained lots of contacts from scientist all around europe.

Sempat berbuka puasa semeja ngan Masahi Fujita, a living legend in Spatial econometric... Sempat bergambaq dengan Nobel prize winner for economics. Paul krugman. and banyak lagi lah.

Alhamdulillah, dapat merasa suasana ala2 cocktail party. Selalunya tengok dalam movie jaa tp nie dapat merasa first hand. Yang bestnya drinks walaupun ada alcohol, ada variety yang without alcohol. Sambil2 dok makan tu ada lagu2 Jazz. Mcm cerita Frasier la pulak.

Pastu malam tu plak ada formal dinner... Nie bukan sebarang dinner tau! yang jantan abis2 kurang nak kena pakai Kot semua... Yang pompuan sorry lah...mmg menjolok mata pakaian depa... Nampak mcm anak patung pon ada... mmg kureng banyaklah pahala posa.

Since duduk dengan living lagends of New trade theory, sempat aku bertanya.... Professor, what do you think of a single asian currency???

Prof: Actually I've conducted a meeting amongst policy makers and politicians from 16 Asian countries. Unfortunately, the outcome is quite pessimistic especially when China disagrees(ayat ini telah diubah) coz org jepun nie BI kureng.... Furthermore, in terms of economy, Asian countries are already integrated, so no need for single currency. Kalau single currency, tgk apa yang jadi kat europe dengan kes greece.

PAstu aku tanya lagi soklan:

This time, kindof a personal question:

How do you balance between your magnificent work and your family?

Dia terus peluk bini dia.....

Prof: My WIFE!! Number one!! hahaha

KAmi semua gelak... lawak jugak prof nie

Yang bestnya kalau dia tak tau, dia cakap tak tau.... Dia tak buat kapla.... Kekadang kami tanya.. What do you think of the collaboration of Physics and Economics?

Pastu dia Jawab: I dont know that coz i'm a mathmatician! Ask Kuuruugman(nobel prize lauriette for econs 2008)

Haha lawak-lawak... At least for me laa...

Ada jugak soklan yang dia refuse to jawab...Kami tau dia dulu penah mengajar kat Upenn(Ivy league university)

Kami tanya dia... Why did you leave Upenn and decide to be a prof in Kyoto instead

Prof: i dont want to answer that, it was a bad memory...

Best sembang ngan oraang intelek nie.. especially orang yang terkenal.....

Kesian kat prof aku, dipinggirkan oleh student yang kacang lupakan kulit hahaha... Tp dia sikit pon tak jeles... Infact, dia encourage... Dia cakap, since you are siting near him... talk to him! Actually prof aku nie tak interfram mcm aku... Low profile, tp publish berkajang...

After the dinner is the JOGET LAMBAK time....

You can be surprised time conference, prof2 tua nie nampak mcm skemaaa je... Tp time joget pergghhh menari2 .... Ziad? ingat pasal bulan posa jeee kalau tak harus.... hahaha But it was aa great experience... Awek-- toksah dok kira laa Masyaallah tambah pulak Ziad jaa di kalangan orang2 muda, yg jadi tukang arrange student comel2.... Good thing bolan posa...

Next day, bangun awai... blah gi Gotheborg... Typical european city... surprisingly ramai Muslim... Nice view... naik ferriswheel with breathtaking view. Tgk banggunan lama2 berhala besaq...typical european city... Jalan mcm orang tak posa tuh... tp kekadang rasa gak peluh2 sejuk..... rest sat... pastu jalan balik.

Conclusion about conference....

BEST giler!!!! nak pi lagi! nak pi lagi! Next year Barcalona--- target! target!

Conclusion about Sweden

Dari segi view, cantik aaa tp holland n germany pon cantik... Banggunan lebih kurang germany... But the Chicks..... I think the only reason that I wanna go and visit Sweden again is because of the chicks mmg exceptionally beautiful. Tak tinggi sangat mcm dutch n german.... Rambut blond tahap bleach ... mata biru jernih(like they are staring into your soul)...kulit mcm porcelain...

There's a saying ... Swedish women makes British women look unattractive.... I agree with that...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Takde time nak menulis blog

Update, next week puasa kat Jonkoping Sweden. Mudah mudahan Allah bagi pertolongan. Now tgh wat powerpoint presentation. So, entry kali nie malas nak tulis. Pagi, petang siang malam dok mengadap data ngan paper ja. To make it up, here's a crazy video

Friday, July 23, 2010


GRO-AMS-HKG-KUL-AOR Begitulah perjalan aku utk sampai ke Loq Stuck... Giler lama, pasnieh tamau transit dah lah... Sampai2 ja, terus pekena nasik Ali peeerghh bantai btoi! Besok tu terus demam 3 hari + Jetlag. So three days lost!..
Managed to spent quality time with parents n tok. Tok walaupun nyanyuk tp Ziad mesti ingat. She's aware that I came from holland, brought her chocolate n cheese n berries so happy lah my grandma. I'm sorry kawan2 balik tak habaq coz mmg sekejaaaaaap sangat just for my sis's wedding. Balik nie pon cuma nak attend wedding, tolong mama n papa, catchup ngan family n work so, i'm sorry kalau tak habaq.
Other than that, work, discussion with USM counterparts and jumpa ngan dear dekan. Oh yeah ..... went out with a "potential".. adik dah kawin abang dok bercelaru lagi haha! I dun expect much, coz I'm in holland sooo it doesnt hurt to keep trying Malaysian chicks.
The kenduri was alhamdulillah, coz its just Mama, papa jee yg arrange, Ziad tlg sket2 je. Thanks to family members, Kahriah Tg Bendahara, org surau yg organise meetings on how to help us yg tulang 4 kerat nie literally. Neighbours yang tolong dengan penuh ikhlas. Siap ada bagi pinjam rumah lagi utk setup bunga teloq. The best thing is they are really HAPPY to help!! Alhamdulillah Allah bukak hati depa.
Time Kenduri alhamdulillah smooth. Although aku miss miss sister's procession... aduuuh hampeh... my parents pon.. We were busy greeting tetamu. Kami tak mau nnt2 kot tak greet tetamu.

Its good to have a new member of the family. Instantly rasa mcm he's a part of us. Ada laa orang yg dekat utk tengok2kan mama n papa. Ziad duduk jauh

2 soalan orang selalu tanya aku.... berbuih mulut nak jawab.... Dekat sana mengaji apa? bila abang punya turn??

Soklan satu pon payah aku nak jawab hehe aku cakap Spatial science depa semua clueless. So aku cakap ekomomi je lah senang... semua orang tau

Soklan2 hurmm cakap jodoh tak sampai lagi nnt2 lah abis Phd ... full stop

Tp actually banyak terbuku

I've learned many things abt relationships and especially the BAD examples.... The bad examples helps me to choose better( I think). Although I kinda forgive the one who gave bad examples but I dare not look back. Any reconciliation is not acceptable in under any circumstances. It's like if i look back, I feel like i'm in a party but stuck with a ugly wierd chick. You feel sorry for ignoring her but you wanna avoid. Anyway it really happened once when I was in a party haha.

Anyway kesian dekat sahabat lama aku, had a bad experience with a BAD example.... I felt like I wanna go to him and slap him so that he wakes up. No use sulking to a person who doesn't care for you. Takyah lah nak rasa down..... Dont be stupid... What we do is we wake up n dont look back. But he's only human. me too... One day he's gonna look at this situation n lough...


Flight delay---train tah pape time tu lah nak jahanam kene petir pon-- Dah la ada discussion petang tu. Anyway, my lifestyle pon nak ikut prof dah. Dalam plane pon wat keje. Pastu sampai2 je umah, tauk bag n trus gi discussion dengan penuh blur. Balik terus meghelluh(tido).

Pas discussion of course banyak keje nak wat... Aku terpaksa rahsiakan kepulangan aku di bumi belanda nie coz nnt ada jaaa jebon2 nak ajak merayau... Memula Fra msg... aku diaaam ja depa mcm boleh sense jaa kedatangan aku... Pastu si claudio plak.... aduh, kesian kat depa... I guess depa tu mmg rindu kat aku.... Akhirnya terbongkar... kat library... Depa tu ajak mai rumah n masak lagi kat aku... punya laa baik punya kawan2. Depa tu pi beli daging halal n masak kari kat aku hehe what great friends I have... mcm adik beradik.

I guess all this while kita mesti ingat omputeh sombong kan??? I guess that only applies to the British.... Orang eropah lain coool ja.... especially italian n portuguese mmg senang masuk aaa... Lithuanian n french pilih bulu gak tp depa sempoi jaa ngan aku.

Oh yeah Groningen time Summer LENGGANG! Takpa baguih boleh aa aku concentrate utk beribadat... haha... Relek jee gi office pakai t shirt ngan seluaq pendek(Contradicticting statements)...

Dui dui

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Heike came to my office personally on behalf of the faculty to invite me for our department dinner. Hurmmhh on that same day is the day that I move to a new apartment. Lots of things to be done. Imean lots n lots!. But since they invited me personally, its very hard to decline.

FYI it was worth it. You know our typical Malaysia dinner, with Malaysian food or if it is a western dinner(in Malaysia) with european food ( with alot of oriental touch). And while you're having dinner, there's some sort of cultural show with dancers dancing Zapin or at least a guy playing Piano. Sounds fancy huh! But NO! .

In the netherlands, the dutch does it in a different way. Veeery unique. It started with a chic soire, you know, people standing and talk while drinking mende haram. It started like that. And then the waiters invited us into a hall with dinner tables. BTW it was really cosy and fancy sort of setting in an old reinassance sort of building. Well, we were seated and there were unfamilliar faces sitting among us and they talk to us and make jokes.

I genuinly thaught that they were waiters flirting around or some PR people trying to promote their restaurants. I soon found out that they were actors. The scene is like this. Instead of us watching some sort of theathre or an act on a stage, the scene was among us. We can interact with the actors while they are acting and they will ask us to solve their problem. It was an act of a MURDER scene. What is even unique, some of us even were given scripts to read act with us.

Since it is a Murder sort of Drama, we were given pictures and clues to help them solve . There were sounds of guns shooting and people screaming while we were having dinner. Devided into groups, we were assigned to identify who is the murderer according to the clues given and their motives. Its sort of something that I need to get used to because we had to use our brains to figure it out. I even saw my groupmates, prof ed and Prof Piet jotted notes and looking at the clues. This really give an impression that even during leisure times, the dutch people like to think. Aku, mcm malas dah, tp depa mcm eager nak tau who's the murderer and what was the motive behind it

Anyway, about the dinner itself, it was decent. You know, in fancy restaurants , the portion is small but the price is high... heheh. But it was nice, takde "kerbau pendek" but I had sushi for appetiser and pasta with noorze salmon for main course. The desert was of course ice cream with chocolate sauce. The funny thing about the desert was, there were only 2 choices, ice cream and fruit smoothie. Thank god I did not order the smoothie coz it doesnt look nice coz the smoothie was just blended fruit with ice which looked yuckh!! but the ice cream looked lekker lekker and tasted good also. I could see the faces of regret from my other collegues who ordered the smoothie hehehe

It was a great experience... Advice to dear readers, if you have the money, or your parents has money, come to study in holland. Altough the subjects are the same but the experience is totally different. Be mindful of dugaan2 Syaitan though . I've studied in Australia, nothing to be compared to holland, groningen especially... Sounds Poyo but its what I think.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Akhir Zaman

Alhamdulillah, my regression results seems to be according to my hypothesis. Thanks for my dear Prof for his suggestions. Jonkoping conference pon dah register dah..... Credit card papa pon dah guna dah utk booking hotel. Hopefully before kenduri Nawal, boleh la submit paper tu.

N dah discuss ngan Justin regarding my intro and conceptual model. Its a rather broad discussion. But I did scope it down to some of the details. Furthermore, he suggested me further reading. Among other things that we've discussed which is very interesting is neo liberalism and he scoped it down to thatcherism and reaganism. It all happened during the reign of MArgeret Thatcher and Ronald reagen regardingthe concept of Free market. The way justin wanted me to relate it to religion specificallt Islam is something to think about. Memang menarik, aku mmg suka baca pasal neo conservatism. So, my argument is this... neo conservative notion of economy is of course for all the material purposes is not all accurate. Despite all the material goal people still have the conscience for salvation. Of course, if we are againts that, thatcherists will acuse us of having Marxist ideology. Yet again, Religion is the opiate of all masses :) huh pening tp seronok.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A horrid day to insult our loved one

One of the first thing we hear since our birth is his name. Instead of our parents’ name, we hear his name first. We were nurtured to love him and respect him. He is our model of perfection. How would you feel if your parents were insulted? Yet alone Him. How would you feel if stupid ignorant idealist freaks depicted the picture or drawings of your parents for the world to see in a very humiliating way.

Who’s fault is it?. I always believe that Stupid disrespectful idealist freaks will always be stupid disrespectful idealist freaks. The fault is on us! And our Government!.

Why are we still buying their products? Of course things like computers, books I mean the things that we can’t live without we can rule it out BUT the petty things which have lots of alternatives like clothes, shoes and fast-food. We need to show to the world that we mean business through our consumer power. We are the 2nd largest population in the world cant we show the “real” compassion towards our loved one? . Participating in mass protest doesn’t really work, it will just show the world that we are barbaric trouble makers.

How about government who claims to love “Him”. Why don’t you expel the diplomats?. Why are the governments still trading oil to these countries?. Clearly, greed can compromise the insult to our loved one.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kiyamam Sana

Atas desakan daripada peminat2 setia terpaksa laaa aku mengupdate blog aku poyo. At this very moment aku tgh tunggu solat subuh pastu baru nak tido. Coz subuk masuk pkl 3:45am kalau tak silap…..Nie baru abis lepak di Drie Gesuisters(Three Sisters) . It’s the biggest place to hang out in Groningen. It’s a combination of restaurant where u can get the finest cuisine, Bar, Tempat utk berjoget lambak and simply a place where there are comfortable leather chair for everybody to chill out during the weekends. The special attraction is the ice Bar, best gak, tp sejuk giler aaa… Semua buat drp ice, kerusi meja, dinding semua buat ngan ice. But my friends and I just hang out at the common area where there were nice comfy sofa and we had drinks and talk about what are our plans, what we’ve done this week and shit(literally).

Oh yeah b4 I forget, I’m starting to use this thingy terpengaruh ngan pire agaknya

I really love this open conversation with nice expensive drink, non alcoholic of course. Jumpa pulak geng Czech n Korean, pastu depa pon join skali. There were like 13 of us from different cultures and background. It was fun.

Well, before we went to lepak at Drie Gesuisters, we went to this exquisite Italian restaurant. I think it was my first time in Europe in a decent Italian restaurant. Nice Ambiance, fancy table cloth and expensive wooden chair and table. Its like being in little Italy. There were nice Italian sculptures patung bogel tayang pungkoq and pictures of Italian landscape. Yang best to aku duduk diantara gadis Italian yang sempoi gilerr. Depa nak mintak discount la kunun tp chess! Tak dapat . I ordered seafood pizza and it was AWFUL. Dah la masin!! Tp nak buat mcm mana Sumbat je la coz it costs 10.25eur…

But during the dinner was the best part. Macam besa we were kutuking each other. Bila mai tang aku of course they’ll talk about my obsession with Turkish gurls in front of 2 beautiful Turkish gurls. Hurmmm merah padam aaa… Tp tak kisaaah. I dunno, sejak aku mai Europe nie perasaan malu nie menghilang.

Claudio: Ziad! Cammon man sing some Turkish song for the Turkish gurls Maan!

Aku pon nyanyi laa lagu Golmez Olsun pergh depa suka kooot! Perasan siap amik video lagi. Haha.. Pastu Italian gurls nyanyi lagi Eros Ramzotti aku pon singalong jugaaak. Kira, our table paling havoc… Imagine, there were 10 of us in the Ristorante de Italiano and 3 of us were singing. And I reckon the waitresses were expecting that we will be making a lot of noise so they seated us at a quite secluded place. Oh yeah and it was an opportunity for me to semayang maghrib. Selamba jaaa.. amik wuduk, pastu hampar jacket n semayang je lah tepi meja tu, mintak tlg Claudio tunggu. When there is a will, there is a way.

Vincas, Paola and my hand
Burcu, Nilai n Kathy

Paola on my left and her sis Frencie

Monday, May 17, 2010

Donmez Olsun

Bila Jatuh Cinta ngan Awek Turkey.....

dönmez olsun dönmez olsun
sensiz bu dünya dönmez olsun
sönmez olsun sönmez olsun
içimdeki ates sönmez olsun

bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun

görmez olsun görmez olsun
sensiz bu gözlerim görmez olsun
sevmez olsun sevmez olsun
kalbim baskasini sevmez olsun

bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun

geçmez olsun geçmez olsun
sensiz bu ömrüm geçmez olsun
gelmez olsun gelmez olsun
ayrilik bize gelmez olsun

bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun

Beshummm Doniyorr!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Al- Naqba

Marilah kita sama-sama memperingati peristiwa Al-Naqba. Peristiwa penyembelihan abang2 dan kakak kita di Tanah Palestine.

Nie la dinding apartheid yang menyusahkan saudara2 kita di sana
Insyaallah saudara2 kita akan dapat kembali ke tanah air mereka. Kunci ini simbol kepulangan mereka.

Gambar ihsan Frenchie

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kerja Gila Di Rotterdam

Just to finish up our discount tickets we've decided to rotterdam. The journey was around 3 n a haf hour. Well, the thing is when travelling in groups, its not boring. We had a joyful 3n a half hours of Kutuking and disturbing each other. KAwan tu usik kawan nie kawan nie usik kawan tu.

Yup saja testing upload video.

Claudio was juggling, and I put something in Franchie's nose after that. Seb baik dia tak marah haha. Anyway, In rotterdam, banyak giler turkisg chicks wee. I was fallin in love every 2 minutes(Tolga sed the same thing when he was in Rome)

About rotterdam, besides the turkish chicks, there was alot of ultra modern buildings. Nothing special actually. Rasa macam dok kat KL. But the Doner shops are really cheap and Halal. Aku apa lagi.. makan sampai tak ingat dunia aaaa best giler. Although I've made some cucoq ikan as bekal, I didn't really eat the cucoq ikan, istead I ate all the available Halal food in stores like Doner, lahmahcun etc,

Nak tergelak pon ada tgk gelagat member2. Ada a group of motorcycles bawak peti ais penuh ngan Beer. Tudia masing2 pakat2 dok hambat(kejar) Motor tuu. Siap tahan tengah jalan lagi. Dah la tu, siap motor tu buat memacam stunt n lari daripada kami. Actually its an add campaign by Gholcg beer company. You cant buy the beer, but only exchange it with warm beer. Pretty catchy huh. Hehe tp mende tu tetap haraaam.

Nie nak tangkap gambar cam merenung masa depan la konon... Terus diganggu oleh jebon2 terhormat nie. Hurmmm

Yesss you know what I meaan.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bad move

Aku dah e-mail dah dekat prof.... Ok meeting friday 1-2.... Nie Allah betui-betui nak menguji keimanan aku. Prof mai lewat sket, pastu dia jumpa Ann dulu.... Aku dok laaa berlari naik turun tangga so dat aku bole jumpa prof dulu dan bole gi semayang jumaat pukul 2. Jenguk dalam ofis Ann tgk proff ada situ, aku senym kat depa pastu dia kata

"See you in half an hour"

O.k, so tak pee aa kot miss sikit khutbah..... bukannya miss semayang...

After half n hour aku gi jenguk kat ofis depa, tanya ann, Where's prof, he's down stairs at my office... pastu aku larii pulak turun bawah.. tgk Jengtao tangkap prof dulu... Aisehh prof discuss2 dgn mangkuk ayun tu pulak. PAstu baru prof cakap kat aku

"Ok noww, lets talk about religion"

Hurmmm dalam hati aku, nak cakap ke dak, nak cakap keeee dak, pasal semayang Jumaat... hurmmh aku tak cakap pon.

We kept discussing.... Funny how Allah Maha pengampun dan maha mengasihani... Aku mcm lagi takut ngan prof dr Maha pencipta... Isyyy tak buat dah... Taubat... Lenkali aku mesti habaq kat prof kata, aku nak kene gi semayang Jumaat. Allah still bukak hati prof utk tolong aku dalam paper Jonkoping dan Allah still, bukak hati prof untuk suka kerja aku.... Tobat aku tak buat dah perangai huduh macam tu.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time flies....

Prof bagi e-mail... Your introduction is NOT OK.... aduhhhhh.... It seemed that after the last discussion i've made it worse. LAst discussion he asked me to put in rationality of religious beliefs. And i put it in, and I got over exited with the discussion until my structure goes haywire. Pas dia bebel-bebel... Dia soh aku bawak a couple of papers and dis soh ikut paper tu.

"I want it next week to be squiky clean" .

Yes prof.

After that, he wanted me to bring the results of the analysis... That have made him smile... Legaaa..... Funny age is negatively related to Zakat payment... Rupanya I need to do the distribution of age coz the sample is only singgle household.

June I have to submit my paper by hook or by crook :P

Social life,

Social life memacamlah... Went to Kak Yong's place, which was great.... Abang eddy pulak buat roast chicken... KAk yong pulak buat cake, cucoq n other stuff. Afte that gi shopping pulak kat brand outlet. P.S dapat Seluar timberland for 10eur :P angkut dua terus (kedekut) Satu untuk ana satu untuk papa. Papa punya belia sikit :P

PAstu gi keukenhof. Sea of flowers.... Bayangkan sawah padi terbentang luas....add tulips on it... Mmg fuhhh tak dapat bayangkan. Tak tau laaa Syurga mcm mana, nie baru dunia... refer to Alwaqiah for further details. N we found this sea of red tulips, perghhh sampai sangkut kereta kat tanah gambut lah! giler panic... dah la nak gi makan KFC halal kat den haag aisehh... Orang putih yang tua2 jee nak tolong...yg muda2 tolong tengok je aaa. Akhirnya warga suriname mai tolong, tough2 plak tu. Rupanya kalau kereta sangkut nie, all U need is help from at least 5 ppl to push the car out, korek laaaa mcm mana pon, tak jalan jugak.

Well after keukenhoff n stuff back home n continue work... solitary confinement. Except for last sunday.... Gi mandi sungai... Hero abis lah! Orang belanda pon tak mandi sungai tu lg coz sejuk giler aku, claudio n tolga belasah jeeee pastu terketaq-ketaq aaaa.

Ada omputeh nie sembang ngan aku pastu bukak topik agama dan Palestine. Aku pon interested aaa. PAstu dia kata dia besa gi sana. MAsjid Quba Al Saqara dia besa gi n Masjid Al-Aqsa pon dia besa gi wah mmg hebat. Dia nie agama nasrani tp tak practice aaa. Dia gi sana pasal dia nie mcm masih mencari dan nak gi tolong warga2 Palestine kat sana.Time tu aku sikit malu, coz apa yang kita umat Islam lakukan untuk menolong warga Palestine niee??... Hurmmm.. MAsjid besa masuk, tudung pon besa pakai(anyway cun siot bila pakai tudung), in fact dia mmg ada tudung. Huyyoh! Aku nak react pon tak tau coz aku nie bukannya Ustaz. Pastu dia cakap kat aku dia nak ikut gi Masjid. Nak bagi dia ikut aku pon aku rasa bersalah. I really2 dunno what to do. Aku mana ada kawan pompuan Muslim yg rapat kat sini utk show around kat dia. Kak Wani je aaa Kak Wani pon tgh pregnant. Anyway Khutbah Jumaat pon dalam Arabic(walaupun kat sini pompuan pon gi khutbah jumaat)... so mcm no point going... Kalau aku show around?? Tak tau lah coz entrance pompuan pon aku tak sure kat mana... Isyyyy kalau nak buat mende baik ke jalan Allah nie adaaa jaa halangan.

Aku perasan 2 member dari itali satu laki2 satu lg pompuan yg aku citer td mcm tu... Ada member laki pon dia nak ikut aku gi Masjid. Tp setau aku orang kafir takleh gi Masjid coz haritue prof aku nak masuk ushar Masjid Ubudiah kat Kuala Kangsar, Tok Imam tak bagi coz depa nie Berhadas besar(Siap quote Hadis lagi). Sedangkan wanita muslim berhadas besarpon tak bole masuk masjid inikan pula wanita/lelaki non Muslim

Tak tau laaa rasa bersalah sangat2. Anyway for me bercakap saja pasal Islam is no point ppl wont listen... We hav to practice it n show good example. I guess I hav to show good example.

Moga2 Allah bagi hidayah kat 2 sahabat aku nie...

Anyway, nama dia Boolat. Aku jumpa dekat student house aku pas balik ofis...Ingatkan tikuih, rupanya Hedgefund.... Hedgehog daaaa
Sharukh Khan in the making
Nice shorts
Antara kerja gila yg kami buat... Tgk, mana ada orang lain... geng kami jaaa.... Masing2 nak impress awek.. dajei ngguhh

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Kawan-kawan... aku ada ofis mate baru... Nama dia Li Jengtao... Sempoi... Skang baru aku ternotice.. Aku slalu tulis blog lepas jumpa ngan supervisor :P. Well this time, sempoi giler the discussion. Before the discussion, mesti call mama dulu.. for comfort.. gelabah gak. Tambah pulak this time nak discuss ngan 2 bangsa yang penah menjajah kita.

Best gak tgk gelagat orang pandai nie. Sembang ilmiah laa katakan. Rasa mcm orang kaya pon ada bila dalam bilik discussion tu. It started on a few questions which was difficult for me to answer(nervous kot). Anyway, Justin started with a few complement regarding my proposal. Like "Now I can see where you're going" ..... "Much better than the last time we met"...He even pointed out the term "eurocentricity" that I often use and the optimistic view of maybe de-eurocentricise certain theories like Post secularization, pre-secularization and secularization. Alot of things that I need to develop clearly especially in methodologising my ideas. Coz, as justin said, research is not just intuition and ideas. It is lso about mathodolgising yer ideas

And alhamdulillah my abstract has been accepted (walaupun antar 1 month late) thanks to God, my mum's prayer n papa n prof Westlund, at least thats the first step on publishing my work.

The discussion about the paper was also quite interesting. There are two opposing views regarding the format of my paper. Prof Henk coming from a quantitative empirical backrground like numbers n heading while Dr J. Beaumont would prefer it in an essay and philosophical form. Well I think both of them are right. Of course prof has the ultimate authority :)...yes boss. But I think different academic view will increase academic vitality :).
I also e-mailed Prof Abd Lateef Abdullah an American and an ex protestant now a Muslim convert about my work and he said that there are many reason why people dont pay Zakah besides secularization. He said that I've justified the use of Zakat as a measure of religiosity, I still need further justification. Prof henk added that I need to add the rationality and irrationality of religious belief and start on the data analysis :) Well there's a lot of work.

It is safer to believe in god because if good doesnt exist, than the impact on you is not very significant. However, if you dont believe in god, and it turned out that god really exist, then you're in deep shit. Bleise Pascal ..... I like this one haha anyway I rephrased it so that it sounds funny. Take that Karl Marx!

The next week amir mai with Juan. I've made tempoyak ikan tillapia and ayam Kurma sedap gila... Everybody ate with their hands. Vincas is an expert in eating with hand :). Juan n Claudio nampak cam kekok sikit haha... N thanks to vincas for baking the Apple pie. I was great!!! Luv it!!!

P/s.... I know somebody has been stalking my blog... I guess you googled my name :)..... What u did to me was horrid. There are some mistakes that is unforgivable. You've lost my trust and respect which u dont deserve in the first place. Nevertheless I forgive you but plz stop it. Can be quite irritating sometimes :).

A word from a philosopher that I look up to. "Only take care and care for the person who cares for you"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

J.B Khairy, Amir...Gro->Hilv->Ams

Anyway, Prof e-mailed my about his suggestion for Dr Justin Beaumont to be my co-supervisor. He's gonna supervise me on the theoretical part and Prf will be supervising on the econometrics part. I said ok aaa...Actually its more like BRILLIANT! coz when I met Justin also, he did ask whether I need him to supervise, but I have Henk already so skang mmg happy.

By the Way Dr Justin Beaumont is an Englishman..Got his Phd from Durham... I just discovered how to pronounce Durham... NOT Durr Hamm BUT Durrem.... Silent H... Hehehe orang biasa ngan dutch mana tau semua2 nie "poyo" . Anyway, he is a very energetic suave, charismatic n a person with style with a strong intelactual touch. The choice of word that he uses reflects countless books that he has reads and write and his in depth research not just abot planning but in Theology as well. He has collaborations especially theologeans, planners, geographers and reverants from churches. In fact he has organised a conferences just recently about Dutch religious situatiation mainly about faith based organization and from that conference he compiled all the research work into a book that will be out soon, July maybe....

First impression of him, he has made research as more fun for me. I think the research about postsecularization that he's doing is fun!!! sadly i dont think it can be applied in Malaysia..not yet Coz Malaysia's secularization is still latent..... N my research is to crystallise it. What he want from me for now is what is the Aim for my studies and my propose chapters in my thesis. After that we will sit together with henk in my office n discuss about my phd future...Nie yg gelabah nie

Anyway, KHairy mai, n lama aku tak jumpak Amir... So 2 birds with one stone.. Jumaat malam aku gerak gi Hilversum n spent the night there. N the next morning(More like afternoon) me n Amir gerak gi Amsterdam n wait for khairy. Unfortunately Khairy sampai lambat n we waited for hours. Not Khairy's fault anyway coz It was raining n they had trouble with the holland pass. So, Amir n I had nothing to do except being hooligans in Amsterdam. Our mission cari MELAYU.. haha... Especially awek... Tp unfortunately time kami nak cari, takde pon Melayu. Yang ada orang Indo... Anywayzz we did found a group of Malay, tp u guys know kan typical Malaysian students yg study dekat UK, buat deeek ja dkt kami so lantak lah. Kami, Malaysians yg study dekat Holand nie kalau jumpa other Malaysians, kami apreciaaaate sangat.

Anyway after hours of waiting, finally we get to meet Khairy n Also Hawa Hanum.... Aww she's so cute. We need to rock her pram so that she's asleep, if not she wakes up. We took some pictures n aku n Amir pon letih sangat... we had some lite dinner n head back.

The next morning b4 I headed back, I cooked Kuah durian... We had to open all the windows so that the Gas incidence never happen again. It was spring n prettey warm outside so we ate outside...mmg sempoi.. Orang puteh pon heran kami makan kuah durian kat luar sambil main guitar n nyanyi.... How oftern do you hear 2 Malaysian guys eating kuah durian in Hileversim netherlands?....

Deliks Defence

Lamanya aku tak tulis blog.... Kalau dah sampai Pire pon bole tanya pasal apa lama tak post blog , maknanya lama la tuuu. Well, alot of things has happened this few weeks. Well remember my last post mentioning about how prof like my work. Well, a week after that fuhh memacam complain especially on my conceptual model.

In doing research, we have to be neutral. By neutral is really NEUTRAL. There is one statement that my prof is really critical about. The statement sounds something like this. "Muslims belief towards Islam remains strong. In fact, it becomes strongger" something like that laa tp ayat yang lebih acedemic, aku pon tak berapa ingat cemmana aku tulis. Anyway I quoted that statement from a book and articles that I've been reading mainly from Earnest Gellner. Anyway, I certainly can write that kind of statement BUT the refference towards it mesti panjang berjela. From what I understood, there must be some sort of concencus from alot of acedemics in order to support that statement

Thats one thing.... and another thing is AGAIN my structure. Prof is so nice to even drew me the stucture especially for my dependent n independent variable. First is the hypothesis, then WHY?? n then support with literature. AGAIN n AGAIN he wants me to be fast. Yes Boss!

After the discussion, both of us wen to see Delik's defence. FYI Delik is a very nice chap. He's a lecturer in Bandung. Umor dekat 30 arr to anak dah dua..... I went there with abang ucop n we went to buy a book for him as present. About the defense, My prof n my 2nd supervisor was there to ask questions. As usual, the profesors n the Decents(lecturers) marched like royalties. Only the professors wear the robes n the special hat. The docents pakai baju coat aaa. And they we sitting on a should I say communal throne. Mmg cantik Aula hall tu.

Anyway, professors will take turn to ask questions about Deliks thesis according to their respective expertise.N my prof tanya soalan paling susah, n delik pon kata camtue hehehe, n the kind of question that he was asking delik is the kind of question that he asks me every time we meet. Delik nampak mcm gelabah tp pastu cool je. Anyway, I was hoping dia pakai baju yang macam magician ka, rupanya dia pakai baju suit beasa jaaa. He managed to complete his Phd within 3 years..impressive.. tp Masters dia 2 tahun n dia sambung Phd ikut masters dia...Hurmmm aku tak tau aaa. He gave me Alquran for free...mmg baik. I wish him success utk mendidik anak Bangsa...

After the Phd presentation, there was a banquet. I did't go, I was thinking, kita nie apa laaa sangat. Ingatkan banquet nie utk proff prof n tetamu diraja jaaa... Rupanya, everybody who attended mmg dijemput. N prof was looking for me, n I know that the next morning when Stiny told me... kesian prof, dia tu usaha aa cari aku, rupanya dia tolong carikan co supervisor utk aku Dr Justin beaumont.

Ps. Khairi cakap dia nak datang from UK bawak Hawa Hanum, his cute lil daughter

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Comedy night

Ive been reminding claudio from last month about the comedy night. I've missed it 3-4 times already coz it's always on the first thursday nite of the month. Oh yeah and the above picture is when I cook Nasik Padprik(tak jadi). Pedak plak tuuuu kesian claudio. Vincas sental jugak.

Kami bertiga naik laaa basikal sampai De korrenbourg(One of the landmarks of Groningen). N gi la ke comedy nite show tu.... Best gilerr... Its like a groningen version of "Who's line is it anyway" cuma the input from the audience is selected by random shouts from the floor instead of writing it down in a paper. Any inputs from the audience which are accepted in the show, the oudience will get a free beer. Ha ha... The actors are natural, bukan buat-buat n bukan lawak spastic. I loughed my pants off!

Muka penuh kebencian pasal aku kutuk dia. Saja jaaa sindir dia... Aku tanya dia.. Pasal apa malam nie pakai smart sangat?? nak cari awek ka??? BTW aweks2 kat sini fuhhh....

This is a typical lithuanian soup. Its some sort of desert made from fruit mixes and starch. Sapa lagi yg buat kalau roomate aku Vincas

Oh yeah and thanks to claudio for showing me the way. Kalau dak sesat laa akuu. This is his 3rd time here. Anyway, the ambiance dalam dewan tu mmg unique. Dinding color merah with wallpaper merah bunga2. Ceiling pon color merah with beautiful chandeliers mmg suasana europe abes lah! Should've taken pictures...

Cant wait for the next showw next month!
