Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pengalaman Menarik
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Dutch Edu Sys
Rupanya, dutch system, Weekly test susah gilerrr soklan pusing babeng.... Mid terms test pon susah... Tp final... betul2 mcm soklan cth masa class.... Aku mcm tak caye gak... Tp that's their style.
This block ada statistic... Banyaknya hans on with spss... menarik gak... Ada multiple regression... factor analysis etc lagi detail laaa.... I really need to grasp on factor analysis to learn on Principle component analysis (PCA)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Exam--Test of faith
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Aku yang bingung
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Perdana Menteri Baru Belanda
Dok sembang2 dengan orang Belanda, macam2 pendapat depa bagi. Daripada orang intelek, depa kata. Macam mana parti CDA dan VVD boleh setuju utk berkerjasama dengan PVV yang polisi dia amatlah berunsurkan Anti Islam dan perkauman yang ekstrim. Daripada orang belanda yang tepi jalan, depa suka dengan "Mat Gerit" pasai dia berani untuk menyuarakan pandangan dia. Memang banyak pendatang daripada timur tengah berkijrah ke Belanda pon.
Aku rasa la... Mat Gerit nie tak ada modal lain.... Dia cuma hendak mencari publisity murahan daripada media. Dalam bahasa utagha laaa... Kebebasan bersuara tegha mana???.... Sebenarnya dekat USA dah ada undang2 baru pasal kebebasan bersuara. Nama dia Theathre Law. Undang2 dia mcm nie.... Dalam satu theathre/ pawaham laa katakan. Kalau ada seseorang yang jerit Api!! Api!! kebakaran!!, mesti orang akan panic kan?? menjerit api! adalah satu kebebasan bersuara tapi dalam masa yang sama, dalam kekalutan tu mesti ada stampede dimana orang jatuh dan cedera etc.... Nie lah loophole dalam notion kebebasan bersuara yang akan menghantar mat gerit nie ke muka pengadilan.
Moga2 dia disumbatkan dalam penjara dan rambut perang dia yang macam haram tu dicukur botak haha
Monday, October 18, 2010
Lumrah Phd
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Al Fatihah
Monday, October 4, 2010
Why I commit FB suicide
Well, facebook is a social phenomenon which tallies with human instinct. Human instinct to be penyibuk until at certain extent.... stalking!. His view of Facebook is "A waste if Time!". You basically give out your personal information to the public although there are terms and condition. Violate your own privacy and privacy of others.
His point of waste of time is really true. I mean, you waste at least 15-20 mins of your life reading what people think and sometimes petty things like "Just came back from a coffee" maybe thats not a good example. but you know what I mean. And sometime browsing some silly and obscene pictures. Sometimes people tag you when they are not suppose to yet alone posting embarassing pictures of you.
Hahaha kinda think of it, I'm not closing my FB account because of those reason. Its just because I'm very busy and I just wanna concentrate with coursework and research. Giler stress this block.
I miss Malaysia
Kekadang tengok iklan petronas kat youtube
Jumaat dengaq Khutbah kat Youtube
But not everybody can enjoy life in the Netherlands
Leaves turning yellow.. getting colder
Owh assignment!!! oh paper!!!!! owh supervisor!!!
Banyak kawan masalah
Takdak kawan lonely... nak concentrate ngan research aaa konon
Phd ooooh phd jauhnyaaaaaaaaa
God I miss my Erasmus buddies
Adakah aku semakin gemuk???
Need to buy a scale.... 14 euro bole makan kebab seminggu
Monday, September 13, 2010
Embarrassment at a National level
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Flying into the unknown
Can we not pay Zakat every year and pay it in a lump sum with interest?
How about the influence of peer preasure as one of the factors why people pay zakat?
ARE Malaysians forced to pay Zakat?
Posiblity of obtaining panel spatial data
and many more....
Most of these questions, I answer to them by explaining the concept of "salvic merit" better known to us by Dosa and pahala. And this is to utilize this belief among Malaysian citizens to get them to help the government in terms of welfare.
They are very interested in the potential of Zakat in Regional economics research particularly in regional welfare.Because most EU countries are welfare countries.So, the welfare mmg mcm totally public funded.
In that conference I get to rub shoulders with great professors from great universities. My professor pon dok kenen2 potential of Zakat research in regional economics. Also, I gained lots of contacts from scientist all around europe.
Sempat berbuka puasa semeja ngan Masahi Fujita, a living legend in Spatial econometric... Sempat bergambaq dengan Nobel prize winner for economics. Paul krugman. and banyak lagi lah.
Alhamdulillah, dapat merasa suasana ala2 cocktail party. Selalunya tengok dalam movie jaa tp nie dapat merasa first hand. Yang bestnya drinks walaupun ada alcohol, ada variety yang without alcohol. Sambil2 dok makan tu ada lagu2 Jazz. Mcm cerita Frasier la pulak.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Takde time nak menulis blog
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
FYI it was worth it. You know our typical Malaysia dinner, with Malaysian food or if it is a western dinner(in Malaysia) with european food ( with alot of oriental touch). And while you're having dinner, there's some sort of cultural show with dancers dancing Zapin or at least a guy playing Piano. Sounds fancy huh! But NO! .
In the netherlands, the dutch does it in a different way. Veeery unique. It started with a chic soire, you know, people standing and talk while drinking mende haram. It started like that. And then the waiters invited us into a hall with dinner tables. BTW it was really cosy and fancy sort of setting in an old reinassance sort of building. Well, we were seated and there were unfamilliar faces sitting among us and they talk to us and make jokes.
I genuinly thaught that they were waiters flirting around or some PR people trying to promote their restaurants. I soon found out that they were actors. The scene is like this. Instead of us watching some sort of theathre or an act on a stage, the scene was among us. We can interact with the actors while they are acting and they will ask us to solve their problem. It was an act of a MURDER scene. What is even unique, some of us even were given scripts to read act with us.
Since it is a Murder sort of Drama, we were given pictures and clues to help them solve . There were sounds of guns shooting and people screaming while we were having dinner. Devided into groups, we were assigned to identify who is the murderer according to the clues given and their motives. Its sort of something that I need to get used to because we had to use our brains to figure it out. I even saw my groupmates, prof ed and Prof Piet jotted notes and looking at the clues. This really give an impression that even during leisure times, the dutch people like to think. Aku, mcm malas dah, tp depa mcm eager nak tau who's the murderer and what was the motive behind it
Anyway, about the dinner itself, it was decent. You know, in fancy restaurants , the portion is small but the price is high... heheh. But it was nice, takde "kerbau pendek" but I had sushi for appetiser and pasta with noorze salmon for main course. The desert was of course ice cream with chocolate sauce. The funny thing about the desert was, there were only 2 choices, ice cream and fruit smoothie. Thank god I did not order the smoothie coz it doesnt look nice coz the smoothie was just blended fruit with ice which looked yuckh!! but the ice cream looked lekker lekker and tasted good also. I could see the faces of regret from my other collegues who ordered the smoothie hehehe
It was a great experience... Advice to dear readers, if you have the money, or your parents has money, come to study in holland. Altough the subjects are the same but the experience is totally different. Be mindful of dugaan2 Syaitan though . I've studied in Australia, nothing to be compared to holland, groningen especially... Sounds Poyo but its what I think.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Akhir Zaman
N dah discuss ngan Justin regarding my intro and conceptual model. Its a rather broad discussion. But I did scope it down to some of the details. Furthermore, he suggested me further reading. Among other things that we've discussed which is very interesting is neo liberalism and he scoped it down to thatcherism and reaganism. It all happened during the reign of MArgeret Thatcher and Ronald reagen regardingthe concept of Free market. The way justin wanted me to relate it to religion specificallt Islam is something to think about. Memang menarik, aku mmg suka baca pasal neo conservatism. So, my argument is this... neo conservative notion of economy is of course for all the material purposes is not all accurate. Despite all the material goal people still have the conscience for salvation. Of course, if we are againts that, thatcherists will acuse us of having Marxist ideology. Yet again, Religion is the opiate of all masses :) huh pening tp seronok.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A horrid day to insult our loved one
One of the first thing we hear since our birth is his name. Instead of our parents’ name, we hear his name first. We were nurtured to love him and respect him. He is our model of perfection. How would you feel if your parents were insulted? Yet alone Him. How would you feel if stupid ignorant idealist freaks depicted the picture or drawings of your parents for the world to see in a very humiliating way.
Who’s fault is it?. I always believe that Stupid disrespectful idealist freaks will always be stupid disrespectful idealist freaks. The fault is on us! And our Government!.
Why are we still buying their products? Of course things like computers, books I mean the things that we can’t live without we can rule it out BUT the petty things which have lots of alternatives like clothes, shoes and fast-food. We need to show to the world that we mean business through our consumer power. We are the 2nd largest population in the world cant we show the “real” compassion towards our loved one? . Participating in mass protest doesn’t really work, it will just show the world that we are barbaric trouble makers.
How about government who claims to love “Him”. Why don’t you expel the diplomats?. Why are the governments still trading oil to these countries?. Clearly, greed can compromise the insult to our loved one.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kiyamam Sana
Atas desakan daripada peminat2 setia terpaksa laaa aku mengupdate blog aku poyo. At this very moment aku tgh tunggu solat subuh pastu baru nak tido. Coz subuk masuk pkl 3:45am kalau tak silap…..Nie baru abis lepak di Drie Gesuisters(Three Sisters) . It’s the biggest place to hang out in Groningen. It’s a combination of restaurant where u can get the finest cuisine, Bar, Tempat utk berjoget lambak and simply a place where there are comfortable leather chair for everybody to chill out during the weekends. The special attraction is the ice Bar, best gak, tp sejuk giler aaa… Semua buat drp ice, kerusi meja, dinding semua buat ngan ice. But my friends and I just hang out at the common area where there were nice comfy sofa and we had drinks and talk about what are our plans, what we’ve done this week and shit(literally).
Oh yeah b4 I forget, I’m starting to use this thingy terpengaruh ngan pire agaknya
I really love this open conversation with nice expensive drink, non alcoholic of course. Jumpa pulak geng Czech n Korean, pastu depa pon join skali. There were like 13 of us from different cultures and background. It was fun.
Well, before we went to lepak at Drie Gesuisters, we went to this exquisite Italian restaurant. I think it was my first time in Europe in a decent Italian restaurant. Nice Ambiance, fancy table cloth and expensive wooden chair and table. Its like being in little Italy. There were nice Italian sculptures patung bogel tayang pungkoq and pictures of Italian landscape. Yang best to aku duduk diantara gadis Italian yang sempoi gilerr. Depa nak mintak discount la kunun tp chess! Tak dapat . I ordered seafood pizza and it was AWFUL. Dah la masin!! Tp nak buat mcm mana Sumbat je la coz it costs 10.25eur…
But during the dinner was the best part. Macam besa we were kutuking each other. Bila mai tang aku of course they’ll talk about my obsession with Turkish gurls in front of 2 beautiful Turkish gurls. Hurmmm merah padam aaa… Tp tak kisaaah. I dunno, sejak aku mai Europe nie perasaan malu nie menghilang.
Claudio: Ziad! Cammon man sing some Turkish song for the Turkish gurls Maan!
Aku pon nyanyi laa lagu Golmez Olsun pergh depa suka kooot! Perasan siap amik video lagi. Haha.. Pastu Italian gurls nyanyi lagi Eros Ramzotti aku pon singalong jugaaak. Kira, our table paling havoc… Imagine, there were 10 of us in the Ristorante de Italiano and 3 of us were singing. And I reckon the waitresses were expecting that we will be making a lot of noise so they seated us at a quite secluded place. Oh yeah and it was an opportunity for me to semayang maghrib. Selamba jaaa.. amik wuduk, pastu hampar jacket n semayang je lah tepi meja tu, mintak tlg Claudio tunggu. When there is a will, there is a way.
Paola on my left and her sis Frencie
Monday, May 17, 2010
Donmez Olsun
sensiz bu dünya dönmez olsun
sönmez olsun sönmez olsun
içimdeki ates sönmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
görmez olsun görmez olsun
sensiz bu gözlerim görmez olsun
sevmez olsun sevmez olsun
kalbim baskasini sevmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
geçmez olsun geçmez olsun
sensiz bu ömrüm geçmez olsun
gelmez olsun gelmez olsun
ayrilik bize gelmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Al- Naqba

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Kerja Gila Di Rotterdam
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Bad move
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Time flies....
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
J.B Khairy, Amir...Gro->Hilv->Ams
Deliks Defence
In doing research, we have to be neutral. By neutral is really NEUTRAL. There is one statement that my prof is really critical about. The statement sounds something like this. "Muslims belief towards Islam remains strong. In fact, it becomes strongger" something like that laa tp ayat yang lebih acedemic, aku pon tak berapa ingat cemmana aku tulis. Anyway I quoted that statement from a book and articles that I've been reading mainly from Earnest Gellner. Anyway, I certainly can write that kind of statement BUT the refference towards it mesti panjang berjela. From what I understood, there must be some sort of concencus from alot of acedemics in order to support that statement
Thats one thing.... and another thing is AGAIN my structure. Prof is so nice to even drew me the stucture especially for my dependent n independent variable. First is the hypothesis, then WHY?? n then support with literature. AGAIN n AGAIN he wants me to be fast. Yes Boss!
After the discussion, both of us wen to see Delik's defence. FYI Delik is a very nice chap. He's a lecturer in Bandung. Umor dekat 30 arr to anak dah dua..... I went there with abang ucop n we went to buy a book for him as present. About the defense, My prof n my 2nd supervisor was there to ask questions. As usual, the profesors n the Decents(lecturers) marched like royalties. Only the professors wear the robes n the special hat. The docents pakai baju coat aaa. And they we sitting on a should I say communal throne. Mmg cantik Aula hall tu.
Anyway, professors will take turn to ask questions about Deliks thesis according to their respective expertise.N my prof tanya soalan paling susah, n delik pon kata camtue hehehe, n the kind of question that he was asking delik is the kind of question that he asks me every time we meet. Delik nampak mcm gelabah tp pastu cool je. Anyway, I was hoping dia pakai baju yang macam magician ka, rupanya dia pakai baju suit beasa jaaa. He managed to complete his Phd within 3 years..impressive.. tp Masters dia 2 tahun n dia sambung Phd ikut masters dia...Hurmmm aku tak tau aaa. He gave me Alquran for free...mmg baik. I wish him success utk mendidik anak Bangsa...
After the Phd presentation, there was a banquet. I did't go, I was thinking, kita nie apa laaa sangat. Ingatkan banquet nie utk proff prof n tetamu diraja jaaa... Rupanya, everybody who attended mmg dijemput. N prof was looking for me, n I know that the next morning when Stiny told me... kesian prof, dia tu usaha aa cari aku, rupanya dia tolong carikan co supervisor utk aku Dr Justin beaumont.
Ps. Khairi cakap dia nak datang from UK bawak Hawa Hanum, his cute lil daughter
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Comedy night
Ive been reminding claudio from last month about the comedy night. I've missed it 3-4 times already coz it's always on the first thursday nite of the month. Oh yeah and the above picture is when I cook Nasik Padprik(tak jadi). Pedak plak tuuuu kesian claudio. Vincas sental jugak.
Oh yeah and thanks to claudio for showing me the way. Kalau dak sesat laa akuu. This is his 3rd time here. Anyway, the ambiance dalam dewan tu mmg unique. Dinding color merah with wallpaper merah bunga2. Ceiling pon color merah with beautiful chandeliers mmg suasana europe abes lah! Should've taken pictures...
Cant wait for the next showw next month!