Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Syukur Alhamdulillah when I received the news that Tok dah passed away, I was with kakyong and family in Paris. At least I was not alone.... Terkejut jugak... tp redha je... Seriously contemplating utk balik, coz dah dekat dah ngan Charles De Gaulle Airport, and insurance cover for the expense. Tp papa n mama kata no need, coz mmg Ziad takkan sempat... Tambahan pulak there were chaos in airports becoz of the heavy snow

Tak sangka time Ziad balik jumpa tok time kenduri Nawal adalah kali terakhir Ziad jumpa tok. Glad to have your last kisses with traces of bedak sejuk on my cheeks and i purposely wouldnt wipe it off haha. I thank her for the prayers to me for my success. Tok had faith in me even though I had doubts in my self,

"Takpa Ziad.... Tok Yakin, Tok dah doa dah...Ziad akan pass..... Baca book elok2"

Her shoulders were the most comfortable shoulders to put your head on. She was a woman of wisdom... After all that she had been through, she's tough and a true survivor.

No regrets... Time balik Malaysia, Ziad bagi isi nyioq kat dia... Tau dia suka... Pastu bawak balik chocolates and cheese from Holland.... Bagi dia makan cherries and peaches... Kehulu-kehilir cari ubat n cream utk dia.... I guess Mama, papa n Nawal pon no regrets... MAma telah lah... Lap dia, basuh rambut dia etc. Papa was more than a son than a son in law. Nawal can be in her best dress and still jump in and bagi mandi dia. Special thanks to Loan(Nawal's husband) for taking my place utk uruskan Tok. We treated her like a Queen.....

Now its my turn to Doa for her. For her safe journey to the realm of barzakh and beyond.

Moga Allah ampunkan segala dosa tok, eliminate Azab kubur, terangkan dan luaskan kubur dia.

"Ziad saaaaayang kat Tok"

Readers, please sedekahkan Yasin.... anything lah Al-Ikhlas keee Al-Fatihah kee...anything....

Monday, December 13, 2010


Topic nie agak jijik. Its about Animal defecation product

In Malaysia

Avoid sandy areas!! or be cautious of on places that has sand or even small gravels. Coz potentially a sneaky feline has left a present. And the smell..... you tell me. It gets worse when you stepped on it and you get into your car and the smell stays in you car for days. I can just understand that there are alot of stray animals in Malaysia. So its the animals fault and partially its the local govts fault coz they do not take care of these stray cats

In the Netherlands

Avoid grassy areas along the walking path. Coz its a mine zone. Allocate at least 1 metre of buffer zone, but in the middle of the field the risk gets less but still watch out!. Another spot that you should avoid are the trees by the side of the road. Dont ever walk on the dirt around the tree Here feline is not much trouble. But the K9 is much worse especially the big fat ones. The big fat ones produce a LOAD of you know what. Things gets worse during winter coz its most likely covered by snow, you cant see it until you step on it. Its not the fault of the animal coz there are no stray animals in the netherlands. Its the fault of the dog owbers! Here, dog poo wise, the people are very individualistic and they are opportunists! with low sense of social capital. Funny... such a developed country, people are still under developed (dog poo wise).

In Australia

Its pretty safe I guess. People here are more aware of the environment. Although they take their dogs out for a walk, the pickup the poo that the dogs left. If you observe the Aussies, they walk their dogs with a leach and they have spare plastic bags..... you know... to pick up the chocolate fudge. Sometimes I can also see them with their palm wrapped in plastic bag, waiting for the chocolate fudge to drop from the factory "literally!!!" . I guess the saying "Dogs are mens best friend" really applies in Australia! . Would you do that to your human best friend??? I dont think so! you'd rather do it to your dog..... That makes me wonder, who's the master???. At least Australians have better awareness... Plus.. in recreational parks its pretty easy to get plastic bags for de poo poo.

I know this entry is disgusting. Its just because last saturday I stepped on one!!! Just beside my apartment! and its not even near a tree or sand. Its on cement! and It was a big yellow one! with my Lacoste shoes! Verdomme!

Have a nice Disgusting day :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pengalaman Menarik

Ini adalah cerita drp salah sorang Prof drp school aku

Thesis Phd dia mainly about Moses Model. Moses model nie basically an extension drp Weber Model. Not Max weber tp adik dia. Basically dalam mainstream economics, Dunia nie hanyalah di hujung pin, maksudnya lokasi firm or lebih mendalam lagi jarak firm tu dengan firm lain dan suppliers tak diambil kira. Sebab tu ada New economic geography yang ambik kira lokasi n jarak. Well google moses model kalau nak tau lebih lanjut.

Selalunya academician ada ada idola dia. Kalau dia nie dalam bidang Economy, maybe idola dia J.M Keynes or Milton friedman. Kalau dalam Physics mungkin Raymond Davis Jr.... Mcm aku, idola academia aku ialah mendiang Earnst Gellnerr. Tp idola prof aku nie, si Moses nie la.. One day lepas conference di new york kawan2 prof aku nie arrange prof aku supaya bole gi dinner dekat umah si Moses nie. Pergh... bayangkan rumah bungalow berpagar high security dekat new york(sapa kata lecturer gaji ciput huh!).

Masa tengah dinner dengan si Moses nie, prof aku notice dekat dinding dining room to ada banyak painting. So, dia tanya aaa siapa lukis? Moses kata Frida Kahlo kalau tak silap. Frida Kahlo tu tau siapa????Famous maxican painter yang paint dekat UN building. Sebijik2 harga berjuta. Tp bapak si moses nie kenal dengan painter tu, masa dia tak famous aaa. And painting yang dekat umah moses nie masa dia beli, less that 10 Dollar...... Sekarang Berjuta.... Pastu si Moses nie soh prof aku gi Toilet umah dia.... Prof aku masuk... tadak apa2 pon .. tapi bila dia tutup pintu bilik ayaq tu, ada satu lagi painting.... dia ushar betui2 ada signature picasso.....Rupanya bapak si moses nie kenal rapat ngan picasso and dia beli painting tu dengan harga yg sangat murah.

So the question is, painting2 yang bermillion2 dollar nie mcm mana nak protect? Haaa nie cerita best. Of course laa ada security and alarm semua. Tp despite that family moses nie kaya raya, depa mash lagi tak mampu untuk insure semua painting2 tu. Picasso tu saja, nilai dia berkali2 ganda keseluruhan asset keluarga moses. So, depa tubuhkan foundation kerjasama dengan muzeum utk nak insure semua painting.

Aku ingat aaa bila berjalan2 kat europe, tgk painting murah, beli je!!! mana tau kot2 famaous kawan tu, Buleh berjuta2 euro

Note to self.... never compromise safety.... Td naik beskal, aku dok tailgate satu kereta, tiba2 dia brek.... sikiiiit ja lagi... dahla brek aku hampeh... Immediately gi repair brek kat kedai... kena 11.50eur...
