Friday, May 28, 2010
Akhir Zaman
N dah discuss ngan Justin regarding my intro and conceptual model. Its a rather broad discussion. But I did scope it down to some of the details. Furthermore, he suggested me further reading. Among other things that we've discussed which is very interesting is neo liberalism and he scoped it down to thatcherism and reaganism. It all happened during the reign of MArgeret Thatcher and Ronald reagen regardingthe concept of Free market. The way justin wanted me to relate it to religion specificallt Islam is something to think about. Memang menarik, aku mmg suka baca pasal neo conservatism. So, my argument is this... neo conservative notion of economy is of course for all the material purposes is not all accurate. Despite all the material goal people still have the conscience for salvation. Of course, if we are againts that, thatcherists will acuse us of having Marxist ideology. Yet again, Religion is the opiate of all masses :) huh pening tp seronok.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A horrid day to insult our loved one
One of the first thing we hear since our birth is his name. Instead of our parents’ name, we hear his name first. We were nurtured to love him and respect him. He is our model of perfection. How would you feel if your parents were insulted? Yet alone Him. How would you feel if stupid ignorant idealist freaks depicted the picture or drawings of your parents for the world to see in a very humiliating way.
Who’s fault is it?. I always believe that Stupid disrespectful idealist freaks will always be stupid disrespectful idealist freaks. The fault is on us! And our Government!.
Why are we still buying their products? Of course things like computers, books I mean the things that we can’t live without we can rule it out BUT the petty things which have lots of alternatives like clothes, shoes and fast-food. We need to show to the world that we mean business through our consumer power. We are the 2nd largest population in the world cant we show the “real” compassion towards our loved one? . Participating in mass protest doesn’t really work, it will just show the world that we are barbaric trouble makers.
How about government who claims to love “Him”. Why don’t you expel the diplomats?. Why are the governments still trading oil to these countries?. Clearly, greed can compromise the insult to our loved one.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kiyamam Sana
Atas desakan daripada peminat2 setia terpaksa laaa aku mengupdate blog aku poyo. At this very moment aku tgh tunggu solat subuh pastu baru nak tido. Coz subuk masuk pkl 3:45am kalau tak silap…..Nie baru abis lepak di Drie Gesuisters(Three Sisters) . It’s the biggest place to hang out in Groningen. It’s a combination of restaurant where u can get the finest cuisine, Bar, Tempat utk berjoget lambak and simply a place where there are comfortable leather chair for everybody to chill out during the weekends. The special attraction is the ice Bar, best gak, tp sejuk giler aaa… Semua buat drp ice, kerusi meja, dinding semua buat ngan ice. But my friends and I just hang out at the common area where there were nice comfy sofa and we had drinks and talk about what are our plans, what we’ve done this week and shit(literally).
Oh yeah b4 I forget, I’m starting to use this thingy terpengaruh ngan pire agaknya
I really love this open conversation with nice expensive drink, non alcoholic of course. Jumpa pulak geng Czech n Korean, pastu depa pon join skali. There were like 13 of us from different cultures and background. It was fun.
Well, before we went to lepak at Drie Gesuisters, we went to this exquisite Italian restaurant. I think it was my first time in Europe in a decent Italian restaurant. Nice Ambiance, fancy table cloth and expensive wooden chair and table. Its like being in little Italy. There were nice Italian sculptures patung bogel tayang pungkoq and pictures of Italian landscape. Yang best to aku duduk diantara gadis Italian yang sempoi gilerr. Depa nak mintak discount la kunun tp chess! Tak dapat . I ordered seafood pizza and it was AWFUL. Dah la masin!! Tp nak buat mcm mana Sumbat je la coz it costs 10.25eur…
But during the dinner was the best part. Macam besa we were kutuking each other. Bila mai tang aku of course they’ll talk about my obsession with Turkish gurls in front of 2 beautiful Turkish gurls. Hurmmm merah padam aaa… Tp tak kisaaah. I dunno, sejak aku mai Europe nie perasaan malu nie menghilang.
Claudio: Ziad! Cammon man sing some Turkish song for the Turkish gurls Maan!
Aku pon nyanyi laa lagu Golmez Olsun pergh depa suka kooot! Perasan siap amik video lagi. Haha.. Pastu Italian gurls nyanyi lagi Eros Ramzotti aku pon singalong jugaaak. Kira, our table paling havoc… Imagine, there were 10 of us in the Ristorante de Italiano and 3 of us were singing. And I reckon the waitresses were expecting that we will be making a lot of noise so they seated us at a quite secluded place. Oh yeah and it was an opportunity for me to semayang maghrib. Selamba jaaa.. amik wuduk, pastu hampar jacket n semayang je lah tepi meja tu, mintak tlg Claudio tunggu. When there is a will, there is a way.
Paola on my left and her sis Frencie
Monday, May 17, 2010
Donmez Olsun
sensiz bu dünya dönmez olsun
sönmez olsun sönmez olsun
içimdeki ates sönmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
görmez olsun görmez olsun
sensiz bu gözlerim görmez olsun
sevmez olsun sevmez olsun
kalbim baskasini sevmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
geçmez olsun geçmez olsun
sensiz bu ömrüm geçmez olsun
gelmez olsun gelmez olsun
ayrilik bize gelmez olsun
bu sarki bizim olsun
askimiz sonsuz olsun
gönlümün pinarinda adin ceylanim olsun
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Al- Naqba